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Codesys websvisu is not loading on TP700

  • gergobereg

    gergobereg - 2022-08-02

    Dear Forum,

    I am having a Codesys reletated issue, however I am facing it on a TP700 and I am hoping someone has may meet with it already.

    Lately, I started to use the newer Codesys Many of my projects are using a webvisu what is shown on a Siemens TP700 HMI webbrowser.
    Now, with the Codesys version, the webvisu is not shown, but forever the loading page is shown as on the left side of my attached picture.
    To find it out, I have created a very simple project, nothing but a rectangle, see right side on my attached picture. Finally I have tried it out on a win v3 soft PLC same result.
    I have tried out with different PLCs and different computers with different installations.
    In case I load the Codesys project with up to, the webvisu will be shown.
    In case I load any project with Codesys only the loading bar will be shown.
    What is further interesting, that if I open in Codesys version a project archive what has been created in an older one without update, or I set myself an older compiler, visualiztation, visu style, etc, it still doesn’t work.

    Does anyone had already similar experience what could cause this issue and most importantly what could be a solution to it?

    Thank you,

  • timothyzalusky - 2022-08-10

    Did you set a start visualization to your main screen/desired start visualization?

    • gergobereg

      gergobereg - 2022-08-10

      Yes of course. The visu is shown in any webbrowser of a PC. Meanwhile I have contacted the manufactuer of the HMI and it was told to me that from SP16 on they made any update what is not supported on old webbrowsers what is running on the HMI. Which would be fine, if it would work if I set the compiler to an older Codesys version, but it doesn't ...

    • gergobereg

      gergobereg - 2022-08-10

      Yes of course. The visu is shown in any webbrowser of a PC. Meanwhile I have contacted the manufactuer of the HMI and it was told to me that from SP16 on they made any update what is not supported on old webbrowsers what is running on the HMI. Which would be fine, if it would work if I set the compiler to an older Codesys version, but it doesn't ...

  • timothyzalusky - 2022-08-10

    Double Post


    Last edit: timothyzalusky 2022-08-10
  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2022-08-11

    There is a fix in V3.5 SP16 Patch 9 (and the Visualization add-on related to old Web browsers.

    I would suggest to upgrade to a newer CODESYS version and try again.

    • gergobereg

      gergobereg - 2022-08-11

      That sounds as a good tip, thank you for the advice! I am having SP17 installed I will try that out. However what do you mean on Visualization add on 4.1 ? Is it something I should install separatedly?
      Thank you,

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2022-08-11

    Since SP17, you can start the CODESYS installer through the Windows menu. There you can find a list of add-ons. So you will have 3.5 SP17 installed as "essential version". In the CODESYS installer you can find the add-ons (for each installation) with its versions which you have installed. There you have the option to update the "Visualization" to a new version (latest currently is


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