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VisuFBFrameBase.SetInputPositionData:The element id for the input position cannot be determined

  • Chris.O - 2022-02-07


    I have a problem in my visualisation. It seems that the problem is a combobox.
    I use a combobox to select which user I want to log in (it is in a library for VisuUserMgmtDialogs). If I open this dialog since I updatet to CoDeSys V3.5.17 Patch 2
    I got the message from the "Subject" in my LOG.

    There is nothing special in this combobox. I have Array 0..6 of WString.

    Before my Update to V3.5.17 Patch 2 ( Everything was fine....

    Attached the Projectarchive with the library for UserMgmt.

    BR Chris

  • Chris.O - 2022-02-08

    Small update:

    I exchanged the combobox and this was not the problem.
    I got the Log-Entry when I entered the password and click to "OK" or to "ESC"

    Any ideas?


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