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Codesys Control win v3 x64 webvisu access from remote pc

  • dhumphries - 2022-03-05

    I'm trying to access a webvisu from another pc on the same network and can't seem to get it working. I can enter localhost:8080 in a browser window on the PC running the softPLC and see the visualization, however from a different PC connected to the same network if I enter in the browser address bar, I get a timeout message. I have confirmed the windows firewall has rules to allow inbound connections for Codesys, and created a custom rule to specifically allow port 8080. I can ping the PC with the codesys soft PLC, but that's honestly about the extent of my networking knowledge. Both computers are connected via WiFi, but I don't expect that should make any difference.

    I have an IFM CR1203 HMI/PLC that I configured with a webvisu and it is viewable from a client PC, I think I've done the same things to setup a webvisu on the Codesys soft PLC, but there must be something I'm missing. I haven't been able to find any webserver settings, I suspect the default settings for the soft PLC may be to block remote connections.

  • galexis - 2022-03-06

    You have to add on your adress:, if you haven't change name on visualization manager....

  • dhumphries - 2022-03-07

    I added the webvisu.htm to the address and it still doesn't work.

    I am using the demo license for the soft PLC, I'm unable to find a good description of features that are enabled or not on the demo license, is it possible the demo license doesn't allow remote connections to the web server?

  • galexis - 2022-03-07

    DemΓ΄ mode have all fonctionnality, just runtime shutdown after 2hours

  • dhumphries - 2022-03-08

    It turns out the network setting for my computer was set to public instead of private, Windows was blocking incoming connections. I changed the network type to private and now I can interact with the webvisu remotely.

  • piping - 2023-02-12

    You just saved me, i just started playing around with webvisu lately and i came across this problem today.


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