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Error, visualisation property handling, VISU_USEPROPERTYINFO

  • automatisme - 2023-02-19

    Hi everyone,

    First post here, experienced automation engineer but new to codesys.

    I've got this error promped when trying to compile project :

    [ERROR] MDML_230215: Project Settings: Property handling in all visualization element properties is deactivated but compiler define VISU_USEPROPERTYINFO is set.

    I double checked the project settings but did'n see any settings like "property handling in visualization element"... I must be missing something.

    Had someone an idea about what's causing this?

    Thanks, have a good day.

  • tvm - 2023-02-19

    right click on your application, got to properties, "Build" tab. Under Compiler defines, add the string VISU_USEPROPERTYINFO
    Normally this gets added automatically for me, if I check "Activate property handling in all element properties" in the Project Settings/Visualization. But I've noticed that the compiler define gets lost if I convert from one PLC to another.

  • automatisme - 2023-02-20

    Thanks, thanks to your answer I checked the project settings again, the option "activate property handling in all element properties" was not visible without checking the case "Visualization --> Advanced --> visible". It's ok now!

  • thecolonel26 - 2023-06-06

    I just had this issue, and VISU_USEPROPERTYINFO was already defined. So I unchecked "property handling in visualization element" pushed apply, then rechecked "property handling in visualization element" and pushed apply. Then recompiled. That fixed the problem.

  • macros8 - 2023-12-09

    you all saved my life now ;)


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