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How to hide elements in the editor

  • standeven - 2022-04-21

    Hello all,

    A basic feature in many UI design platforms allows you to hide an element in the editor so it's simple to work on other elements behind it. For example, if my screen has a giant alarm button that pops up during an active alarm, I can hide it in the editor so I can see and edit the elements behind it. This has no effect on the display of the element when the program is actually compiled and ran.

    I can't seem to find this feature in Codesys 3.5. Am I missing it, or does it not exist?


    Kevin S.

  • ludecus

    ludecus - 2022-04-26

    Dear Kevin, you can extract those elements into a library. Within the library you could hide elements from the editor by setting the property internal

  • jclavier - 2023-07-03

    I think the initial post was talking about a feature which is very useful in many HMI development IDE: being able to show/hide any visualisation element from the elementlist

    Unfortunately this feature is missing in Codesys visualisation, which make very uncomfortable development when many items are positioned on each other...


    Last edit: jclavier 2023-07-03

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