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coβ™»e: Results Visualization

  • dhruvjagga - 2021-11-02

    Hi, I am unable to see the results from the coUnit in the Device Log. Do I have to do any further setting as mentioned above?

    Any suggestions/pointers are welcome.

    Attaching the screenshot.


    Talk Topic about project #counit

  • dhruvjagga - 2021-11-02

    Thanks, already tried that!

    Also, thanks for directing me to the desired place. You mean the query can be opened as a ticket? As I can only see the tickets with the above link mentioned.

    • aliazzz

      aliazzz - 2021-11-02

      Tickets can be seen as questions, feature request, bug reports, etc., etc. So any question you might have can best be posted as a Ticket.

      Ps. The Tutorial's example is also available for download via the software repo.


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