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co⚡e: Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host:

  • mtolmatsky - 2022-07-10

    Greatly appreciate Sparkplug MQTT library development!
    We started using developed libraries and enjoying convenience of the libraries.
    Currently prototyping future control system using BeagleBone Black board with PublishPeriod = 200ms.
    EoN randomly missing NCMD "Node Control/Rebirth": sometimes in .onNCMDMessage, sometimes note executing NBIRTH step in FB_EdgeStateMachine.
    Any idea of the possible reason?

    Talk Topic about project #cobolt

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2022-07-11



    Thank you for your kind feedback. Would you be so kind by helping help us and give us a good rating here?;

    Though we have spent lots of time writing the library, we are aware that it contains bugs.
    However our tests with Ignition show that it is stable and that we are the right track. The TCK tests results are quite promising and we are now busy fixing the library accordingly as you can read here;

    Currently prototyping future control system using BeagleBone Black board with PublishPeriod = 200ms.
    EoN randomly missing NCMD "Node Control/Rebirth": sometimes in .onNCMDMessage, sometimes note executing NBIRTH step in FB_EdgeStateMachine.
    Any idea of the possible reason?

    Some notes/hints:
    The main task of the Sparkplug Edge Function Block must be called in a faster task (i.e. lower then 200ms) e.g. 20ms or 25ms in order to process the Edge FB satisfactorily because of your fast update rate. Your physical I/O may run in a different task offcourse. Our Sparkplug Metrics are designed to only trigger on data changes, so if you have analog value's be aware that you must implement a suitable deadband yourself. Otherwise the analog value drift will cause an avalanche of unnecessary data updates which causes more strain and eats bandwidth/processing power.

    A 200ms update to the Sparkplug Primary Host is, depending on your application, quite FAST. A beaglebone black is not the quickest/ most powerful hardware around anymore compared with raspberry pi so beware that you are not straining your hardware by choosing a too fast update interval.

  • mtolmatsky - 2022-07-13

    Hi, Thank you so much for your comments. I did try your suggestion and some additional "holdings" rebirth precaution in the library. Situation improved, but still have missing Rebirth events. Now have to wait until real (not prototype) control system will be ready and will return to testing rebirth request. Thanks.
    Another question: what are plans regarding completing file transfer function block (SPStack.FB_MetricFileTransfer)?
    And one more time - thanks!


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