--- a/trunk/mqttsparkplugb/unittest/Device/Plc Logic/Application/Tests/MQTT PubSub/FB_MQTT_Testsuite/Test_ConnectionStateIsOnline/svnobj
+++ b/trunk/mqttsparkplugb/unittest/Device/Plc Logic/Application/Tests/MQTT PubSub/FB_MQTT_Testsuite/Test_ConnectionStateIsOnline/svnobj
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
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-longTagText
XCfUnit.TEST('Test_ConnectionStateIsOnline');IF _xInit THENf    FB_MQTT.SetBroker( sUrl:= 'broker.hivemq.com', Z                              uiPort:= 1883, b                              uiKeepAlive := 60);,    FB_MQTT.Connect();0    _TimeOut.IN := TRUE;(    _xInit := FALSE;END_IF_TimeOut();VIF FB_MQTT.IsConnected() OR _TimeOut.Q THEN    Z    ActState := FB_MQTT.GetConnectionState();V	THIS^.AssertEquals( Expected := ExpState, X                        Actual := ActState, ‚                        Message := 'The connection state should have been ONLINE, please check your broker and your connection');0                        6    CfUnit.TEST_FINISHED(); "    // Disconnect!2    FB_MQTT.Disconnect();"END_IF;#Interface$L{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}%FMETHOD Test_ConnectionStateIsOnline&VAR'    // Expected(¾	ExpState: SparkplugB.SparkplugSessionStateType := SparkplugB.SparkplugSessionStateType.ONLINE;)	*	// Actual+`	ActState: SparkplugB.SparkplugSessionStateType;,END_VARÐÐÐEÐÐ	
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+longTagText
\CfUnit.TEST( 'Test_ConnectionStateIsOnline' );IF _xInit THENt    FB_MQTT.SetBroker( sUrl        := 'broker.hivemq.com',V                       uiPort      := 1883,V                       uiKeepAlive := 60 );,    FB_MQTT.Connect();0    _TimeOut.IN := TRUE;2    _xInit      := FALSE;END_IF_TimeOut();VIF FB_MQTT.IsConnected() OR _TimeOut.Q THENZ    ActState := FB_MQTT.GetConnectionState();Z    THIS^.AssertEquals( Expected := ExpState,Z                        Actual   := ActState,†                        Message  := 'The connection state should have been ONLINE, please check your broker and your connection' );6    CfUnit.TEST_FINISHED();"    // Disconnect2    FB_MQTT.Disconnect(); END_IF;!Interface"L{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}#FMETHOD Test_ConnectionStateIsOnline$VAR%    // Expected&Æ    ExpState : SparkplugB.SparkplugSessionStateType := SparkplugB.SparkplugSessionStateType.ONLINE;'    // Actual(h    ActState : SparkplugB.SparkplugSessionStateType;)END_VARÐÐÐEÐÐ	
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\ No newline at end of file