--- a
+++ b/branches/FeatureBranches/Debuglogging/SparkplugB/Function Blocks/CmpSparkplugLog/CmpSparkplugLog_1/FB_init/svnobj
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CreateLogger();X _hLog := LogOpen( _LogOptions.szName , 0 );2ps := ADR(CMP_EDGE_NAME);ÆTHIS^._hEdgeComponent := Component_Manager.CMAddComponent( ps^, GC_Sparkplug.CMP_EDGE, UDINT#0, 0);2ps := ADR(CMP_HOST_NAME);ÆTHIS^._hHostComponent := Component_Manager.CMAddComponent( ps^, GC_Sparkplug.CMP_HOST, UDINT#0, 0);2ps := ADR(CMP_CORE_NAME);ÆTHIS^._hCoreComponent := Component_Manager.CMAddComponent( ps^, GC_Sparkplug.CMP_CORE, UDINT#0, 0);PrintHeader();InterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}*METHOD FB_init : BOOLVAR_INPUTÂ  bInitRetains : BOOL; // if TRUE, the retain variables are initialized (warm start / cold start)Ð  bInCopyCode : BOOL;  // if TRUE, the instance afterwards gets moved into the copy code (online change)END_VARVAR6    ps : POINTER TO STRING;ÐÐÐEÐÐ	
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