--- a/trunk/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Function Blocks/FB_Edge/FB_EdgeStateMachine/STEPS/DELAY_AFTER_PUBLISH_entry/svnobj
+++ b/trunk/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Function Blocks/FB_Edge/FB_EdgeStateMachine/STEPS/DELAY_AFTER_PUBLISH_entry/svnobj
@@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
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(* j   Only wait PublishPeriod after a succesful publish.L   If we don't publish, we don't wait.¦   Out of readability we write the following, allthough it can be done way shorter;*)dIF _EdgeDataPublished OR _DeviceDataPublished THEN.    (* ARM the Timer *):   _DelayTimer( IN := TRUE );.   _DelayDone := FALSE;ELSED    (* SKIP Timer and WAIT step *)<   _DelayTimer( IN := FALSE );4    _DelayDone := TRUE;   END_IF"UniqueIdGenerator39ÐÐÐEÐÐ	
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