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JSelectElement := VISU_SELECTION_NONE;T__QUERYINTERFACE(THIS^, thisAsVisualElem);.CASE dwSelectionType OF&	VISU_SELECTION_AT:\		IF pPosition^[iPositionIndex] = iElemId THEN8			bChangeSelection := TRUE;		END_IF0	VISU_SELECTION_ELEMENT:V		IF iVisualElement = thisAsVisualElem THEN
+	ELSEî		IF NOT Visu_FctIsCurrentSelection(pCurrentSelectionData, pNewSelectionData, iElemIndex, iElemId, iPositionIndex) THENEND_CASE„IF bChangeSelection AND NOT EffectiveState.bInputDeactivated THEN Z	pNewSelectionData^.SelectedElement := THIS^;„	SelectElement := Visu_FctSetSelection(pClientData, pNewSelectionData, GetSurroundingRect(), iElemIndex, iElemId, iPositionIndex);END_IFInterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94} Ø(* The selectable element sets the new selection TO the next SUB element OR itself in the pNewSelectionData.!Æ The pCurrentSelectionData is needed TO check whether the current selection is within THIS element."t The selection type can be one of the following constants:#d	VISU_SELECTION_TAB : DWORD 							:= 16#00000001;$j	VISU_SELECTION_SHIFTTAB : DWORD 					:= 16#00000002;%f	VISU_SELECTION_FIRST : DWORD 						:= 16#00000003;&d	VISU_SELECTION_LAST : DWORD 						:= 16#00000004;'d	VISU_SELECTION_LEFT : DWORD 						:= 16#00000005;(b	VISU_SELECTION_UP : DWORD 							:= 16#00000006;)f	VISU_SELECTION_RIGHT : DWORD 						:= 16#00000007;*d	VISU_SELECTION_DOWN : DWORD 						:= 16#00000008;+b	VISU_SELECTION_AT : DWORD 							:= 16#00000009;,l	VISU_SELECTION_ELEMENT : DWORD 						:= 16#000000010;-¦In the case of VISU_SELECTION_AT the input variable pPosition should be considered..ºIn the case of VISU_SELECTION_ELEMENT the input variable iVisualElement should be considered./*)08METHOD SelectElement : DWORD1VAR_INPUT2:	(* The current client data*)3x	pClientData	: POINTER TO VisuElemBase.VisuStructClientData;4@	(* The current selection data*)5”	pCurrentSelectionData	: POINTER TO VisuElemBase.Visu_StructSelectionData;68	(* The new selection data*)7Œ	pNewSelectionData	: POINTER TO VisuElemBase.Visu_StructSelectionData;80	(* The selection type*)92	dwSelectionType	: DWORD;:(	(* The group type*);*	dwGroupType	: DWORD;<8	(* The position to select*)=X	pPosition	: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF INT;>D	(* The visual element to select*)?\	iVisualElement	: VisuElemBase.IVisualElement;@>	(* The current element index*)A$	iElemIndex	: INT;B:	(* The current element id *)C	iElemId	: INT;D`	(* The current position in the position array*)E,	iPositionIndex	: INT;FEND_VARGVARHD	bChangeSelection : BOOL := FALSE;IF	thisAsVisualElem : IVisualElement;ÐÐÐEÐÐ	
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