Diff of /branches/timvh/library/FB_XmlControl/svnobj [r78] .. [r79]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/branches/timvh/library/FB_XmlControl/svnobj
+++ b/branches/timvh/library/FB_XmlControl/svnobj
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Gx_l!!0…jüoF×å%á	š:ýèSystem.StringL{6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08}SpecialFuncL{0db3d7bb-cde0-4416-9a7b-ce49a0124323}NoneImplementationL{3b83b776-fb25-43b8-99f2-3c507c9143fc}TextDocument	L{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}
-TextLinesL{a5de0b0b-1cb5-4913-ac21-9d70293ec00d}Id
longTagTextInterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}(*²Organizes parsing and composing of XML data. Data can be treated as STRING or char array.˜Filebuffersize is default 4096 bytes and can be set via Gvl_Param_XmlControlUsage example:1. Initiate    VAR8        XML : FB_XMLControl;ˆ	    Buffer : ARRAY [0..GVL_Param_XmlControl.MaxFileSize-1] OF BYTE;    //ORt        Buffer : STRING(GVL_Param_XmlControl.MaxFileSize);    END_VAR@    XML.pBuffer: = ADR (buffer);J    XML.LenBuffer: = SIZEOF (buffer); V    Add your own preferred fileheader like:!^    XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"Ž    XML.WriteDocumentHeader( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');#F2. Compose a tag with a parameters:$<XML: <MyTag ParaName = "11" />%H    XML.newTag(sTagName: = 'MyTag');&l    XML.newPara(sName: = 'ParaName', sPara: = sValue);'&    XML.CloseTag();("3. Add tag value:):XML: <MyTag> MyText </ MyTag>*B    XML.newTag(sName := 'MyTag');+P    XML.newTagData(sTagData :='MyText');,P4. Jump to the beginning of the XML data-(XML.toStartBuffer();."5. Add a comment:/.XML: <!-- MyComment -->0X    XML.newComment(sTagName: = 'MyComment');1v6. Returns the next tag from the current position in buffer2XML.NextTag();3D7. Output the parameter of the tag4BXML.NextPara(sPara: = LastValue);5`Feedback: sPara returns the value found (string)6*)7>//{attribute 'hide_all_locals'}88FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_XmlControl9VAR::    Buffer : FB_StreamBuffer;;<    TagList : FB_StreamBuffer;<0    sTags : T_MaxString;=D    TagListSeek : FB_StreamBuffer;>.    sTagsSeek : STRING;?4    Tag : FB_StreamBuffer;@.    sTag : T_MaxString;A&    xTagOpen: BOOL;B(    iSelect : UDINT;C2    iSelectStart : UDINT;D.    iSelectEnd : UDINT;E:    iSelectStartPara : UDINT;F6    iSelectEndPara : UDINT;G8    iSelectTagClose : UDINT;H<    iSelectStartValue : UDINT;I8    iSelectEndValue : UDINT;J.    iSearchPos : UDINT;K0    iFileOffset : UDINT;L4    File : FB_FileControl;MEND_VARNVAR CONSTANTO@    TAG_OPEN : STRING(1) := '<';PB    TAG_CLOSE : STRING(1) := '>';QL    END_TAG_CLOSE : STRING(4) := '/>';R:    SPACE : STRING(1) := ' ';S<    EQUALS : STRING(1) := '=';T:    QUOTE : STRING(1) := '"';UD    BACK_SLASH : STRING(1) := '\';VJ    FORWARD_SLASH : STRING(1) := '/';WP    OPEN_COMMENT : STRING(5) := '<!-- ';XP    CLOSE_COMMENT : STRING(4) := ' -->';Y8    TAB : STRING(2) := '$T';Z:	CR_LF : STRING(4) := '$R$N';[  \X	//$OD : ASCII code for carriage return (CR)]&	//$$ : to add a $R^:	//$' : to add ' (apostrophe)_.	//$L or $l : line feed`,	//$N or $n : new linea.	//$P or $p : next pageb2	//$R or $r : end of linec"UniqueIdGeneratord213ePOULevelfL{8e575c5b-1d37-49c6-941b-5c0ec7874787}gStandardh ChildObjectGuidsi8System.Collections.ArrayListj,AddAttributeSubsequentkboolÐÐ-ÐÐ	E
+Gx_l%!!0…jüoz¢TAá	š:ýèSystem.StringL{6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08}SpecialFuncL{0db3d7bb-cde0-4416-9a7b-ce49a0124323}NoneImplementationL{3b83b776-fb25-43b8-99f2-3c507c9143fc}TextDocument	L{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}
+TextLinesL{a5de0b0b-1cb5-4913-ac21-9d70293ec00d}Id
longTagTextInterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}(*²Organizes parsing and composing of XML data. Data can be treated as STRING or char array.˜Filebuffersize is default 4096 bytes and can be set via Gvl_Param_XmlControlUsage example:1. Initiate    VAR8        XML : FB_XMLControl;ˆ	    Buffer : ARRAY [0..GVL_Param_XmlControl.MaxFileSize-1] OF BYTE;    //ORt        Buffer : STRING(GVL_Param_XmlControl.MaxFileSize);    END_VAR@    XML.pBuffer: = ADR (buffer);J    XML.LenBuffer: = SIZEOF (buffer); V    Add your own preferred fileheader like:!^    XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"Ž    XML.WriteDocumentHeader( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');#F2. Compose a tag with a parameters:$<XML: <MyTag ParaName = "11" />%H    XML.newTag(sTagName: = 'MyTag');&l    XML.newPara(sName: = 'ParaName', sPara: = sValue);'&    XML.CloseTag();("3. Add tag value:):XML: <MyTag> MyText </ MyTag>*B    XML.newTag(sName := 'MyTag');+P    XML.newTagData(sTagData :='MyText');,P4. Jump to the beginning of the XML data-(XML.toStartBuffer();."5. Add a comment:/.XML: <!-- MyComment -->0X    XML.newComment(sTagName: = 'MyComment');1v6. Returns the next tag from the current position in buffer2XML.NextTag();3D7. Output the parameter of the tag4BXML.NextPara(sPara: = LastValue);5`Feedback: sPara returns the value found (string)6*)7>//{attribute 'hide_all_locals'}88FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_XmlControl9VAR::    Buffer : FB_StreamBuffer;;<    TagList : FB_StreamBuffer;<0    sTags : T_MaxString;=D    TagListSeek : FB_StreamBuffer;>8    sTagsSeek : T_MaxString;?4    Tag : FB_StreamBuffer;@.    sTag : T_MaxString;A&    xTagOpen: BOOL;B(    iSelect : UDINT;C2    iSelectStart : UDINT;D.    iSelectEnd : UDINT;E:    iSelectStartPara : UDINT;F6    iSelectEndPara : UDINT;G8    iSelectTagClose : UDINT;H<    iSelectStartValue : UDINT;I8    iSelectEndValue : UDINT;J.    iSearchPos : UDINT;K0    iFileOffset : UDINT;L4    File : FB_FileControl;MEND_VARNVAR CONSTANTO@    TAG_OPEN : STRING(1) := '<';PB    TAG_CLOSE : STRING(1) := '>';QL    END_TAG_CLOSE : STRING(4) := '/>';R:    SPACE : STRING(1) := ' ';S<    EQUALS : STRING(1) := '=';T:    QUOTE : STRING(1) := '"';UD    BACK_SLASH : STRING(1) := '\';VJ    FORWARD_SLASH : STRING(1) := '/';WP    OPEN_COMMENT : STRING(5) := '<!-- ';XP    CLOSE_COMMENT : STRING(4) := ' -->';Y8    TAB : STRING(2) := '$T';Z:	CR_LF : STRING(4) := '$R$N';[  \X	//$OD : ASCII code for carriage return (CR)]&	//$$ : to add a $R^:	//$' : to add ' (apostrophe)_.	//$L or $l : line feed`,	//$N or $n : new linea.	//$P or $p : next pageb2	//$R or $r : end of linec"UniqueIdGeneratord213ePOULevelfL{8e575c5b-1d37-49c6-941b-5c0ec7874787}gStandardh ChildObjectGuidsi8System.Collections.ArrayListj,AddAttributeSubsequentkboolÐÐ-ÐÐ	E
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