Library containing device support for Monarco HAT hardware developped by the guys from I decided to write this library because the hardware is very solid, but a CODESYS implementation was missing. Writing this library was fun, but took a lot of sweat and time, please refer to this work when you use it =). I am not affiliated with in any way, shape or form. Released under Unlicense. Enjoy! GETTING STARTED To use the HAT, RS-485 and the Realtime Clock under CODESYS, please follow these steps. RTC requires no Linux side config apart from the overlay; 1) On your Raspberry Pi, switch to root user: sudo -s 2) Disable Linux console on UART: sed 's/ console=serial0,[0-9]\+//' -i /boot/cmdline.txt 3) Run the following command to get device-tree overlay definition for the RS-485 on the Monarco HAT: wget 4) Copy it to /boot/overlays: sudo cp monarco-fix-4-9.dtbo /boot/overlays 5) Afterwards add dtoverlay=monarco-fix-4-9 line to the /boot/config.txt file: echo dtoverlay=monarco-fix-4-9 >> /boot/config.txt 6) Reboot your Raspberry Pi: reboot 7) After reboot, check the output of the following command: ls -l /dev/serial0 8) The response should read "/dev/serial0 -> ttyAMA0" 9) Again, switch to root user: sudo -s cd etc/ 10) Then: nano CODESYSControl.cfg 11) Add the following lines: [SysCom] Linux.Devicefile=/dev/ttyAMA 12) Then reboot your Raspberry Pi again: reboot 13) After reboot: Now you can use the HAT, RS-485 and the Real-Time Clock rom within an CODESYS IEC application via a comlib of you own flavour (like CAA SerialCOM library).