--- a
+++ b/trunk/cforge/cforge/Package/CFORGE/Scripts/pysvn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This module is a wrapper for a locally installed SVN command line client.
+# It can be used to find URLs of CODESYS projects within a repository, or to
+# checkout all files outside of CODESYS projects.
+# - svn_list:
+# a wrapper for the "svn list" command, supporting recursive lists
+# - svn_get_directories_with_codesys_projects / svn_get_directories_without_codesys_projects:
+# return directories with or without CODESYS projects. Can be used to find
+# CODESYS library URLs in repositories.
+# - svn_checkout_non_codesys:
+# Checkout top-level directory w/o content.
+# Then update all directories, which are not containing any CODESYS projects.
+import subprocess
+def svn_list(username, password, url, recursive=False):
+    args = ""
+    if recursive:
+        args += " -R"
+    cmd="svn list %s --username=%s --password=%s %s" % (args, username, password, url)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+    (output, err) = p.communicate()
+    entries = list()
+    if "\n" in output.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'):
+        entries = output.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict').strip().replace("\r","").split("\n")
+    return entries
+def svn_get_directories_with_codesys_projects(username, password, url):
+    allfiles = svn_list(username, password, url, True)
+    codesys_projects = filter(lambda file: 'meta.profile' in file, allfiles)
+    alldirs=list()
+    for cp in codesys_projects:
+        dirname = cp.replace("/meta.profile", "")
+        alldirs.append(dirname)
+    return alldirs
+def svn_get_directories_without_codesys_projects(username, password, url):
+    allfiles = svn_list(username, password, url, True)
+    codesys_projects = filter(lambda file: 'meta.profile' in file, allfiles)
+    # filter out all subdirectories of the directory containing 'meta.profile',
+    # as well as all files (keep only directories)
+    alldirs=allfiles
+    for cp in codesys_projects:
+        dirname = cp.replace("/meta.profile", "")
+        alldirs = filter(lambda file: not file.startswith(dirname) and file.endswith('/'), alldirs)
+    return alldirs
+def svn_checkout_non_codesys(username, password, url, destination):
+    dirs = svn_get_directories_without_codesys_projects(username, password, url)
+    cmd="svn checkout --depth=empty --username=%s --password=%s %s %s" % (username, password, url, destination)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+    (output, err) = p.communicate()
+    if not err:
+        for d in dirs:
+            cmd="svn update --depth=files --username=%s --password=%s %s/%s" % (username, password, destination, d)
+            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+            (output, err) = p.communicate()