--- a/trunk/cforge/cforge/Program.cs
+++ b/trunk/cforge/cforge/Program.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Threading.Tasks;
@@ -10,7 +11,12 @@
         static void Main(string[] args)
-            Console.WriteLine("cforge\r\n");
+            Console.WriteLine("");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"----------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+            Console.WriteLine("cforge started");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"----------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+            Console.WriteLine("");
             if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].StartsWith("cforge:"))
@@ -27,37 +33,55 @@
                 string s = System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(arg.Remove(0, command.Length + 1));
                 s = System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(s);
                 args = newargs.ToArray();
-            if(!Helper.CheckRegistryProtocol())
+            if (!Helper.CheckRegistryProtocol())
                 Console.WriteLine(@"[WARNING] URL Handler is not registered. CFORGE: links will not work properly. Use RegisterURLHandler.bat to do this (at <CODESYS Installation folder>\CFORGE\ )");
             List<String> liScripts = Helper.GetAllScripts();
+            bool bDebug = false;
             for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                 switch (args[i])
-                    case "--register-url-handler":
-                        Helper.RegisterProtocol();
-                        break;
-                    case "--add-to-path":
-                        Helper.AddToSystemPath();
+                    case "-d":
+                        bDebug = true;
+                        if (Helper.IsUserElevated())
+                            Console.WriteLine("Running elevated");
-                    case "--list-scripts":
+                    // fallthrough intended
+                    case "-v":
+                    case "--version":
+                        Version version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version;
+                        Console.WriteLine("Version: " + version.ToString());
+                        break;
-                        Console.WriteLine("List all scripts: ");
-                        foreach (String item in liScripts)
+                    case "--setup":
+                        if (!Helper.IsUserElevated())
+                            Helper.RunElevated("--setup");
+                        else
-                            Console.WriteLine(" -" + item);
+                            Helper.RegisterProtocol(bDebug);
+                            Helper.AddToSystemPath(bDebug);
+                    case "--license-info":
+                        Helper.ShowLicenseInfo();
+                        break;
                     /* fallthrough intended ! */
                     case "--help":
                     case "-h":
@@ -66,30 +90,64 @@
                         // check if we have matching script:
-                        if(liScripts.Contains(args[i]))
+                        if (args[i].StartsWith("--"))
-                            // the rest of the command is passed as argument to the script
-                            string[] newargs = new List<string>(args).GetRange(i, args.Length - i - 1).ToArray();
-                            Helper.ExecuteIPyScript(args[i], newargs);
+                            String command = args[i].Replace("--", "");
+                            if (liScripts.Contains(command))
+                            {
+                                // the rest of the command is passed as argument to the script
+                                string[] newargs = args.Skip(i + 1).ToArray();
+                                Helper.ExecuteIPyScript(command, newargs, bDebug);
+                                // as we "used" all params...
+                                i = args.Length;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                ShowUsage();
+                            }
+            if (args.Length == 0)
+                ShowUsage();
+            Console.WriteLine("");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"----------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+            Console.WriteLine("cforge finished.");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"----------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+            Console.WriteLine("");
+            //Console.ReadLine();
         static void ShowUsage()
-            Console.WriteLine(@"usage: cforge <command> [options]");
+            // pad right 32 for description ;-)
+            Console.WriteLine(@"usage: cforge <command> <arguments>");
-            Console.WriteLine(@"commands:");
-            Console.WriteLine(@"-h/--help: show this help");
-            Console.WriteLine(@"--register-url-handler      register cforge url handler in windows registry");
-            Console.WriteLine(@"--add-to-path               add this cforge folder to windows path variable");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"internal commands:");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"-h/--help                       show this help");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"--setup                         register cforge url handler and add cforge to path");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"--license-info                  show license information");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"-v/--version                    show version information");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"");
-            Console.WriteLine(@"--list-scripts              list all available scripts (ironpython subcommands)");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"external commands (scripts):");
+            Console.WriteLine(@"------------------------------");
             // generic part
+            List<String> liCommands = Helper.GetAllScripts();
+            foreach (String  command in liCommands)
+            {
+                Helper.ShowUsageIPyScript(command, false);
+            }
+            Console.WriteLine(@"");