Diff of /codesys-ide/scripts/build-bootapp.py [8d9349] .. [20f0d8]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/codesys-ide/scripts/build-bootapp.py
+++ b/codesys-ide/scripts/build-bootapp.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 import sys, os
 import helper
+# compile category GUID
+CompileCategory = Guid("{97F48D64-A2A3-4856-B640-75C046E37EA9}")
 class SearchBuildDo(helper.SearchBuild):
     # Build rules for:
@@ -19,7 +21,26 @@
             proj = projects.open(filename)
             helper.update_device(proj, device_repository)
             helper.install_missing_libraries(proj, librarymanager)
-            proj.active_application.create_boot_application(destination)
+            try:
+                proj.active_application.create_boot_application(os.path.basename(destination))
+                #proj.active_application.create_boot_application(destination)
+            except:
+                print("Error: Creation of bootapplication failed")
+                # Get message objects which contain all the data
+                severities = {
+                    Severity.FatalError : "Fatal error", Severity.Error : "Error",
+                    Severity.Warning : "Warning", Severity.Information : "Information",
+                    Severity.Text : "Text"
+                }
+                msgs = system.get_message_objects(CompileCategory, Severity.FatalError|Severity.Error)
+                xError = False
+                for msg in msgs:
+                    sev = severities[msg.severity]
+                    if msg.severity == Severity.FatalError:
+                        xError = True
+                    print("%s %s%s: %s" % (sev, msg.prefix, msg.number, msg.text))
+                if xError:
+                    return None
         return artifacts