--- a
+++ b/trunk/wharfie/examples/bootstrategy/raspberrypi.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copy root filesystem into an existing raspberry pi image.
+# We take over the kernel modules and firmware files from
+# the existing image, as those are tightly belonging to
+# the kernel of this image.
+# Note1: that we also change the uuids of the disks during this step.
+# Note2: This way the bootloader and kernel from the existing
+# image is used.
+# Note3: We intentionally don't use the result of mktemp
+# directly to reduce the risk of damaging the host filesystem.
+[ "x${output}" == "x" ] && output="raspbian.img"
+# download image
+[ ! -f ../${output} ] && (wget --output-document=../raspbian.zip 'https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_lite_latest' && unzip -p ../raspbian.zip > ../${output}) || true
+# copy filesystem and change uuids
+d=$(basename $(mktemp -d));
+f=$(basename $(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXXXXXX.tar));
+l=$(sudo kpartx -l ../${output} | sed -n '/loop/ s,.*/dev/\(loop[0-9]\+\).*,\1, p;q;');
+[ "x${d}" != "x" ] &&
+    sudo kpartx -as ../${output} &&
+    sudo mount /dev/mapper/${l}p2 /tmp/${d} &&
+    sed -i "s,PARTUUID=[^ ]*\(.*vfat\),PARTUUID=$(sudo blkid /dev/mapper/${l}p1 -s PARTUUID -o value)\1," etc/fstab &&
+    sed -i "s,PARTUUID=[^ ]*\(.*ext4\),PARTUUID=$(sudo blkid /dev/mapper/${l}p2 -s PARTUUID -o value)\1," etc/fstab &&
+    (cd /tmp/${d}; sudo tar -cf /tmp/${f} {lib/firmware,lib/modules,dev}) &&
+    sudo rm -Rf /tmp/${d}/* &&
+    sudo tar -cf - . | (cd /tmp/${d}/; sudo tar -xf -) &&
+    (cd /tmp/${d}; sudo tar -xf /tmp/${f}) &&
+    sudo umount /tmp/${d} &&
+    sudo kpartx -d ../${output} &&
+    rmdir /tmp/${d};
+rm /tmp/${f}
+# modify command line in boot partition
+d=$(basename $(mktemp -d));
+l=$(sudo kpartx -l ../${output} | sed -n '/loop/ s,.*/dev/\(loop[0-9]\+\).*,\1, p;q;');
+[ "x${d}" != "x" ] &&
+    sudo kpartx -as ../${output} &&
+    sudo mount /dev/mapper/${l}p1 /tmp/${d} &&
+    sed -i 's| init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/init_resize.sh||' /tmp/${d}/cmdline.txt &&
+    sed -i 's| quiet||' /tmp/${d}/cmdline.txt &&
+    sudo umount /tmp/${d} &&
+    sudo kpartx -d ../${output} &&
+    rmdir /tmp/${d}