Diff of /trunk/wharfie/lib/makefile.py [r59] .. [r60]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/trunk/wharfie/lib/makefile.py
+++ b/trunk/wharfie/lib/makefile.py
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
     # write all targets
     for target in makeTargets:
+        postpath = ''
         if 'comment' in target:
             f.write("# %s\n" % target['comment']);
         if 'trgcmd' in target or 'hostcmd' in target or 'temporary' in target:
@@ -112,6 +114,17 @@
                 f.write("\t${Q}(echo -e \"%s\") | ${SUDO} tee .trg.sh\n" % cmd.replace('\\n', '\\\\\\n').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('!', '"\'!\'"'));
                 f.write("\t${Q}${SUDO} chmod a+x .trg.sh\n");
+            if 'trgcmdpost' in target:
+                cmd = templateTrgCmd % (target['trgcmdpost'].replace('$', '\\$$').replace('"', '\\"'));
+                f.write("\t${Q}echo '******************************'\n");
+                f.write("\t${Q}echo '%s: %s'\n" % (target['name'], target['comment']));
+                f.write("\t${Q}echo '******************************'\n");
+                f.write("\t${Q}(echo -e \"%s\") | ${SUDO} tee .trg-post.sh\n" % cmd.replace('\\n', '\\\\\\n').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('!', '"\'!\'"'));
+                f.write("\t${Q}${SUDO} chmod a+x .trg-post.sh\n");
+            if 'trgcmdpostpath' in target:
+                postpath = target['trgcmdpostpath']
             if 'hostcmd' in target:
                 cmd = templateHostCmd % (target['hostcmd'].replace('$', '\\$$').replace('"', '\\"'));
                 f.write("\t${Q}echo '******************************'\n");
@@ -119,6 +132,14 @@
                 f.write("\t${Q}echo '******************************'\n");
                 f.write("\t${Q}(echo -e \"%s\") | ${SUDO} tee .hst.sh\n" % cmd.replace('\\n', '\\\\\\\\n').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('!', '"\'!\'"'));
                 f.write("\t${Q}${SUDO} chmod a+x .hst.sh\n");
+            if 'hostcmdpost' in target:
+                cmd = templateHostCmd % (target['hostcmdpost'].replace('$', '\\$$').replace('"', '\\"'));
+                f.write("\t${Q}echo '******************************'\n");
+                f.write("\t${Q}echo '%s: %s'\n" % (target['name'], target['comment']));
+                f.write("\t${Q}echo '******************************'\n");
+                f.write("\t${Q}(echo -e \"%s\") | ${SUDO} tee .hst-post.sh\n" % cmd.replace('\\n', '\\\\\\\\n').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('!', '"\'!\'"'));
+                f.write("\t${Q}${SUDO} chmod a+x .hst-post.sh\n");
             # start command here ...
             f.write("\t${Q}${SUDO} bash -c \"");
@@ -148,8 +169,19 @@
                 f.write("if [ -f ../.trg.sh ]; then mv ../.trg.sh .; chroot . ./.trg.sh || exit 1; fi; rm -f ./.trg.sh;");
                 if proc:
                     f.write("if [ -d proc ]; then umount proc || umount -l proc; fi;");
                 # - host
                 f.write("if [ -f ../.hst.sh ]; then ../.hst.sh || exit 1; fi; rm -f ../.hst.sh;");
+                # - target post
+                if proc:
+                    f.write("if [ -d proc ]; then mount -t proc proc proc; fi;");
+                f.write("if [ -f ../.trg-post.sh ]; then mv ../.trg-post.sh ./%s; chroot ./%s ./.trg-post.sh || exit 1; fi; rm -f ./.trg-post.sh;" % (postpath, postpath));
+                if proc:
+                    f.write("if [ -d proc ]; then umount proc || umount -l proc; fi;");
+                # - host post
+                f.write("if [ -f ../.hst-post.sh ]; then ../.hst-post.sh || exit 1; fi; rm -f ../.hst-post.sh;");
             # pack result