--- a
+++ b/trunk/SVN_Plugin/PLC_AC500_V3/_04_UI/svnobj
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Gx_l!0…jüoGxVdéZŸ´System.StringL{1b2bcd16-2426-4c4a-bd24-c0ad32e0aa99}ScriptContentì,from ScriptEngine import *  #First Line is readonly.




+#   In some cases, scripts have to interact with the user. 

+#   Below are some simple APIs for the most common interactions


+# ****************************************************************************************


+from __future__ import print_function


+"""Performs some tests on the messagestore and UI."""


+print("Some Error, Warning and Information popups:")

+system.ui.error("Fatal error: Everything is OK. :-)")

+system.ui.warning("This is a warning message")

+system.ui.info("Just for your information: 42")


+print("Now, we ask the user something.")

+res = system.ui.prompt("Do you like this?", PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes);

+print("The user selected '%s'" % res)


+print("Now, the user can choose between custom options:")

+res = system.ui.choose("Please choose:", ("First", 2, 7.5, "Something else"))

+print("The user selected option '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a tuple


+print("Now, the user can choose several options:")

+res = system.ui.select_many("Please select one or more options", PromptChoice.OKCancel, PromptResult.OK, ("La Premiere", "The Second", "Das Dritte"))

+print("The returned result is: '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a tuple


+print("Now, the user can select files and directories")

+res = system.ui.open_file_dialog("Choose multiple files:", filter="Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*", filter_index = 0, multiselect=True)

+print("The user did choose: '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a tuple as multiselect is true.


+res = system.ui.save_file_dialog("Choose a file to save:", filter="Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*", filter_index = 0)

+print("The user did choose: '%s'" % res)


+res = system.ui.browse_directory_dialog("Choose a directory", path="C:\\")

+print("The user did choose: '%s'" % res)


+print("Now we query a single line string")

+res = system.ui.query_string("What's your name?")

+print("Nice to meet you, dear %s." % res)


+print("Now we query a multi line string")

+res = system.ui.query_string("Please tell me a nice story about your life!", multi_line=True)

+if (res):

+    print("Huh, that has been a long text, at least %s characters!" % len(res))


+    print("Hey, don't be lazy!")


+print("Username and passwort prompts...")

+res = system.ui.query_password("Please enter your favourite password!", cancellable=True)

+if res:

+    print("Huh, it's very careless to tell me your favourite password '%s'!" % res)


+    print("Ok, if you don't want...")


+res = system.ui.query_credentials("Now, for real...")

+if res:

+    print("Username '%s' and password '%s'" % res) # res is a 2-tuple


+    print("Sigh...")ScriptFileName04_UI.py ScriptParametersÐÐ-Ð-
\ No newline at end of file