--- a
+++ b/trunk/SVN_Plugin/PLC_AC500_V3/_05_svn_commit/svnobj
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Gx_l©!0…jüooŠ4´ZŸ´System.StringL{1b2bcd16-2426-4c4a-bd24-c0ad32e0aa99}ScriptContent„from ScriptEngine import *  #First Line is readonly.


+def set_username(req):


+    res = system.ui.query_credentials("Credentials for SVN Repo")

+    if res:

+        ## tuple containing vowels

+        #vowels = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')

+        #

+        ## index of 'e' in vowels

+        #index = vowels.index('e')

+        #

+        #> print(index)

+        #

+        #> Output: 1


+        print("Username '%s' and password '%s'" % res) # res is a 2-tuple

+        req.username = res.index(0)

+        req.password = res.index(1)

+    else:

+        print("Oops.. goodbye")

+        exit()


+    req.save = False # Optional


+svn.auth_username_password += set_username

+#svn.commit(message)ScriptFileName 05_svn_commit.py ScriptParametersÐÐ-Ð-
\ No newline at end of file