
Thanks ... I am self taught and appreciate that help. But in the meanwhile I have come up with another possible fix which seems to have worked (so far). I discovered the error message 'hidden' in the Variables under WebClient  'xError' given as  "TCP_INIT_ERROR'. Thus my Google search and I found the Codesys message below.  This had been an ongoing (regular) fault which threatened to crash my home solar diversion project which is now 90 % complete.  All I had to do was to change the input word "FALSE' to 'TRUE' !! If the solution below does not continue to work reliably I will utilise your code.

Your help is much appreciated


On Thu, 19 Aug 2021 at 23:32, h-hermsen <forge@codesys.com> wrote:

hi Bernie,

You must read the outputs xDone, xBusy, xError & eError each cycle.
after that you can use them to influence the Client function block, eg like this example pseudo code

IF xError THEN
eErrMsg := Client.eError; // Store error message for further use
xExecute := xDone AND NOT xBusy AND NOT xError; // NOT xExecute will probably reset the client? See FB help

Problem with WebClient / http post

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