ElementCollections - List - GetElementPosition returns not found.
Following code works fine:
eError := list.GetElementAt(4,itfElement => itfElement); eError := list.GetElementPosition(itfElement := itfElement, udiPosition => index); foundIndex := index;
But when I want to get the index position of a value, that is present in the list. Method list.GetElementPosition keeps returning NOT FOUND
I am sure I am not using list.GetElementPosition correctly but I cannot find an example of how to use it properly.
This for example fails:
itfElement := IntElementFactory.Create(iValue := 5); // Following to verify the content of itfElement Result := __QUERYINTERFACE(itfElement, itfIntElement); i := itfIntElement.IntValue; // Results in NOT FOUND eError := list.GetElementPosition(itfElement := itfElement, udiPosition => index);
Thank you very much for your help.
You will have to iterate through the list until you find a matching element, and then call GetElementPosition() on the Element from the list which is equal to your newly created object.
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