Markdown Syntax


Italic / bold

***bold and italic***

Preformatted Text

    // Especially useful for code ;)

Unordered List

* Item 1
    * Item 1.1
    * Item 1.2
* Item 2

Check List

* [ ] Unchecked item
* [x] Checked item
    * [ ] Subitem

Block quotes

> You got the question?

Yes, now it's clear how quoting works!


# Header 1
## Sub-Header
### Sub-Sub-Header
# Header 2

Horizontal rule

Here comes a horizontal rule:

This text comes after the rule.

Regions of different color

A very common design technique which works pretty well for mobile and desktop views, is the separation of regions by a different background and / or foreground color. This is supported by the macro 'section'. Supported are hex color code and color names. Additionally to the color, you can also change the default text-alignment within this region.

[[section bgcolor=#FF0000 color=#00FF00]]

[[section bgcolor=red color=green]]

[[section align=left]]

[[section align=center]]

[[section align=right]]



Most links are detected within the text:


To be explicit, just add brackets around it:


To define your own link text:

Click [here](

Relative links to headings on the same page can be realized with named links and a hash:

Jump to the [prerequisites](#prerequisite-packages)

# Prerequisite Packages

The name of the heading anchor is the name of the heading in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces.

The macro 'url' only creates the URL, not a full link. This way you can more easily extend the URL.

[[url target=profile]]                          # Outputs the URL as text
[link to profile]([[url target=profile]])       # Create a link to the user profile of the current user
[create new blog post]([[url target=blog]]/new) # Create a link to create a new blog post


You can link other tools, pages, tickets, ...


[MyWikiPage]       # Wiki - name of wiki page
[#123]             # Tracker - ticket number
[bugs:#1]          # Tracker - explicit tool selection
[r10721]           # SVN - revision number
[3b9d48]           # Git & Mercurial - first 6 characters of revision hash
[2012/02/my-post]  # Blog - post slug, including YYYY/MM/ prefix
[a6d38f98]         # Discussion Thread - thread id
[a6d38f98#42f8]    # Discussion Post - thread_id#post_id



User Mention




[[img src=attached-image.jpg]]

Resize image

[[img src=attached-image.jpg width=50%]]

Standard Icons

Standard icons are the ones which are also used on the CODESYS Forge Website. They can have a different foreground and background color. And they can also have a circle or rectangle shape. You define them like this:

[[icon name=fa-gavel]]
[[icon name=fa-gavel shape=circle size=20 outersize=60 color=white bgcolor=blue]]

By default, the icons have a background, to avoid it just set the size and outersize to the same value and bgcolor to "inherit":

[[icon name=fa-gavel shape=rectangle size=30 outersize=30 color=black bgcolor=inherit]]

Slide Shows

You can combine images into a slide show per page. The slides are hidden and activated one after another. So they need to be in one line in markdown, otherwise the image will "jump".

Here is a full example. It should be pretty much self explaining. Just play around with it:

[[slide src= time=3 number="1/3" caption="nature" width=100%]][[slide src= time=5 number="2/3" caption="snow" width=100%]][[slide src= time=10 number="3/3" caption="mountains" width=100%]]


[[embed url=]]


First Header  | Second Header
  ------------- | -------------
  Content Cell  | Content Cell
  Content Cell  | Content Cell


You can easily include other wiki pages:

[[include ref=SamplePage]]

Also, you can embed a file directly from a repository! Just skip the ref parameter and pass repository, path and optional revision:

[[include repo=code]]
[[include repo=myproject:code path=/ew/ rev=fa61e7]]
[[include repo=prj:myproject:code path=/ew/]]

More macros

Download button

[[download url=]]
[[download url= label=installer]]

CI/CD Badges

[[drone repo=code]]

Neighborhood Notifications

[[neighborhood_feeds tool_name=wiki max_number=10 sort=pubdate]]

Neighborhood Blog Posts

[[neighborhood_blog_posts max_number=10 sort=timestamp]]

Project Blog Posts

[[project_blog_posts max_number=10 sort=timestamp mount_point=news]]

Project Member List


Project Screenshots



Wiki: Markdown Icons