hi, i used another way declaration: pApp : POINTER TO APPLICATION; pAppInfo : POINTER TO APPLICATION_INFO; ProjectName : STRING (24) ; CodesysVersion : STRING (15) ; code: //library : // CmpApp // IoDrvEthernet // // Get Pointer to current application pApp := CmpApp.AppGetCurrent( pResult:= 0 ); // Get Pointer to Application information pAppInfo := CmpApp.AppGetApplicationInfo(pApp:= pApp, pResult:= 0 ); ProjectName := pAppInfo^.pstProjectName^ ; //convert codesys version to string CodesysVersion...
VAR RuntimeVersion: VERSION; END_VAR RuntimeVersion := __SYSTEM.Constants.RuntimeVersion; PS, when I call the SysTargetGetVersion on a Control Win, I get the value 50664488 = 16#03051428 equals version
Hi! I want to read the codesys version into the project, so I can highlight it in the SCADA system. VAR dwVersion : DWORD; END_VAR SysTarget.SysTargetGetVersion(pulVersion := ADR(dwVersion)); This gives me the value 100859909. I tried to search ths up and found som older post (https://forge.codesys.com/forge/talk/Runtime/thread/a55981ff4d/) that said each 4 bytes reads a number in the version. Example is 50662666 = 16#03050D0A which reads to V3.5.13.10 When I run this code I get the value 100859909,...
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