
Admin Ingo

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Free Icons

This repository contains a set of free icons, which can be used on CODESYS Forge.
We don't encourage you to use them in other contexts, but you can do that if you respect the licenses of the copyrights owner.

Font Awesome

Font Awesome is a very nice and a widely used project to provide free, scalable icons in form of font files. But they also provide their icons in form of SVG files.
The fonts, which are found in this repository are converted from the SVG files to PNG, with some shadow added to it, so that they are usable on light and dark backgrounds.

The license info can be found here:


These are some avatars, which can be freely used. They were published on https://opengameart.org. All are licensed under the Creative Commons License 3.0:

Those are the web pages, where they were published:


The icons, which are used in the projects of CODESYS Forge itself are also partly provided under the Creative Commons License 3.0. All images in the folder "trunk/forge" are licensed under this license.