User Migration from CODESYS Forum

Today we migrated (nearly) all active users from the CODESYS Forum. This is the first step to the full integration of the CODESYS Forum into CODESYS Forge. We created all users which we could automatically import. Some were not possible because of username constraints, which are more strict in CODESYS Forge, than they were in the CODESYS Forum.

Content Migration

As already published on the CODESYS Forum, we will migrate the whole forums content 27-28 Februrary 2020.

  • All posts will be linked to the users, which are already existent in CODESYS Forge. The link will be done, based on your E-Mail address.
  • Deep links to the posts with the old forum URLs will be redirected to the posts of the new forum in CODESYS Forge.

Avatar images

During the migration of the users, we just created usernames with E-Mail addresses. We didn't fill out any meta data. Especially we didn't assign an avatar for the users. When we are importing the content into CODESYS Forge, those posts will be linked to the users which are already existent in CODESYS Forge. But they will not only be linked, but their Avatar of the time of import will be used. So if you wish, that your personal avatar is shown in the old posts, you should set your avatar before the date of import.

Login to your imported Account

If your account was now imported, you can login to it by creating a CODESYS Account with the same E-Mail address, as you used in the CODESYS Forum. If you need a new E-Mail address to be registered with your account, feel free to ask Please use the desired E-Mail address as the sender of your request.

If your account was not imported, you can also create a CODESYS Account in the same way, and login to CODESYS Forge. As long as your account is created with the correct E-Mail address until 27 February 2020, it will be respected during the content migration.

Posted by 2020-01-17

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