IamquitenewwithCodeSysandamworkingwithCodeSys3.5.16.20rightnow.Iwouldliketointegrateathirdpartydevice(FANUCorKeyencedevice...)tomyproject,hereforexampleweuseKeyenceLJV7_IF.dll,IcouldnotfindanydocumentsabouthowtoimportDLLfileandhowtouseit,excepttheCodeSysonlinehelpwithaveryshortdiscriptiononthechapter'Integrating C Modules'.Unfortunately,itseemssomemistake.Generally,inmybeforeLabVIEWprojectIcouldusethe'call library function'block,thenthefunctionnamelistout,wecanconfigtheinputparametersforthefunctionaccordingly.AretheresomeofficialmanualsforthistopicabouttheprocedureofDLLimportandimplementation.Anyhelpwillbeappriciate,thanks!
Hi tesla!
This is a very good question. And it is not easy to answer. But actually there is no easy way to open a C-Library from a CODESYS application.
PLC manufacturers can do this with the Runtime Toolkit, or you can use an own process, written in c, which opens the library and communicates with your CODESYS application via shared memory or sockets.
But on the other hand, such questions should be asked and discussed on CODESYS Talk. So I will close that ticket.
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Hi tesla!
This is a very good question. And it is not easy to answer. But actually there is no easy way to open a C-Library from a CODESYS application.
PLC manufacturers can do this with the Runtime Toolkit, or you can use an own process, written in c, which opens the library and communicates with your CODESYS application via shared memory or sockets.
But on the other hand, such questions should be asked and discussed on CODESYS Talk. So I will close that ticket.