Activity for apurv

  • apurv apurv posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    okay but will this pass the array by copying it or it will be a reference to original array only.

  • apurv apurv posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Could not find the solution to this issue but I have side stepped this by creating a global variable MAX_SIZE.

  • apurv apurv modified a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I have a Array of constant size defined like this Var Constant MAX_SIZE :UINT := 10; End_var VAR array : ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT; END_VAR Now I want to pass this array to a function by reference, Function fun : INT VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT MAX_SIZE : UINT; END_VAR VAR_INPUT array : REFERENCE TO ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT; END_VAR but when I run this it gives strange Errors Error : Cannot Convert type 'ARRAY [0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT' to type 'ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT'

  • apurv apurv modified a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I have a Array of constant size defined like this Var Constant MAX_SIZE :UINT := 10; End_var VAR array : ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT; END_VAR Now I want to pass this array to a function by reference, Function fun : INT VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT MAX_SIZE : UINT; END_VAR VAR_INPUT array : REFERENCE TO ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT; END_VAR but when I run this it gives strange Errors Error : Cannot Convert type 'ARRAY [0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT to type 'ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT

  • apurv apurv posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I have a Array of constant size defined like this ` Var Constant MAX_SIZE :UINT := 10; End_var VAR array : ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT; END_VAR ` Now I want to pass this array to a function by reference, Function fun : INT VAR IN_OUT CONSTANT MAX_SIZE : UINT; END_VAR VAR_INPUT array : REFERENCE TO ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT; END_VAR but when I run this it gives strange Errors Error : Cannot Convert type 'ARRAY [0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT to type 'ARRAY[0..MAX_SIZE] OF INT