Activity for bartm

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    The idea was to setup a simple counter. If there is no more counting pulse after a set time, the counter is reset to 0 at the next counting pulse. Everything works perfectly, except when the counter is automatically set to 0, there have to be 2 counting pulses before going to state 1, there should be only one because the counter is at 0. Where did I make a mistake? code(* read system time *) tx := DWORD_TO_TIME(T_PLC_MS()); (* Rising edge detection *) fb1 (CLK:=in); (* count the number of clicks...

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 🇬🇧

    I have a small code running: OneShot(CLK:= Signal); IF OneShot.Q = TRUE THEN Out := NOT Out; END_IF The "Out" variable is also changed on another location (modbus coil). If I create a FB from this code, it is not possible to control the variable connected to the output from the other location. What could be the cause and solution?

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    I'm quite lost in this mather, wireshark does not show the above at all with the data sent from codesys. When I do it with the powershell script, I have exactly the same result as above. should I use the buffer_to_String function from oscat to extract a string from the array of bytes? And sent this with httpclient?

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    so the Data array should be sent by the httpclient? I have no errors, but when I check the traffic with wireshark or tcpdump it is not like the traffic generated from the powershell script. I've tried also the oscat buffer_to_string function and sent the resulting string, but I think the "0"s are causing trouble, not sure however because this is unknown territory for me.

  • bartm bartm modified a comment on discussion Engineering

    Thank you for the support. Still no success with the format, I need to sent one "0", $0 isn't accepted and $00 doest not work. When I check the traffic with wireshark on the IP address, it is totally different compared to the powershell script.

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Thank you for the support. Still no success, I need to sent one "0", $0 isn't accepted and $00 doest not work. When I check the traffic with wireshark on the IP address, it is totally different compared to the powershell script.

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    I'm struggling to sent a string in byte format to an Onkyo receiver. The idea was to use the httpclient fb and sent the wstring sTest: WSTRING(200):="73 83 67 80 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 33 49 80 87 82 48 49 13"; to it Somewhere in the process I need to do a hex to byte because it should be sent as bytes. Here I'm stuck. I can control it by a powershell script (attachment), but I cannot convert this script to codesys.

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    That's it! Wstring characters are of a different length. Changing to Wstring(200) does the trick.

  • bartm bartm posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    I'm struggling to sent a wstring(100) with httpclient: "{$"on$":true, $"bri$":150}" there are no compile errors, it seems that there's only a part of the wstring sent: "{"on":true, "" Any tips?