Diff of /ecu_at135_v1d_aladdin/StandardPLC/Plc Logic/Application/001.Global_Box/Outputs/Fct_electroniques/svnobj [r23] .. [r24]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/ecu_at135_v1d_aladdin/StandardPLC/Plc Logic/Application/001.Global_Box/Outputs/Fct_electroniques/svnobj
+++ b/ecu_at135_v1d_aladdin/StandardPLC/Plc Logic/Application/001.Global_Box/Outputs/Fct_electroniques/svnobj
@@ -1,52 +1,60 @@
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-longTagText
0TYPE Fct_electroniques :	STRUCTH	xReset_error_out_electronics:	BOOL; 	(* Sortie 5V *)œ	xDrive_opto:					BOOL; // Démarre l'alimentation 5V pour optocouplage bus can8	xError_drive_opto:				BOOL;<	xDrive_opto_outstate:			BOOL;8	uiDrive_opto_volt:				UINT;<	uiDrive_opto_current:			UINT;L	uiDrive_opto_channel:			UINT	:= 3000;<	(* Allumage virtuel driver *)0	xStart_vd12v:					BOOL;0	xError_vd12v:					BOOL;>	xDrive_vd12v_outstate:			BOOL;:	uiDrive_vd12v_volt:				UINT;>	uiDrive_vd12v_current:			UINT;>	uiDrive_vd12v_channel:			UINT;0	xStart_vd24v:					BOOL; 0	xError_vd24v:					BOOL;!>	xDrive_vd24v_outstate:			BOOL;":	uiDrive_vd24v_volt:				UINT;#>	uiDrive_vd24v_current:			UINT;$>	uiDrive_vd24v_channel:			UINT;%8	xStart_lave_glace:				BOOL;&8	xError_lave_glace:				BOOL;'F	xDrive_lave_glace_outstate:		BOOL;(@	uiDrive_lave_glace_volt:		UINT;)F	uiDrive_lave_glace_current:		UINT;*V	uiDrive_lave_glace_channel:		UINT	:= 0001;+:	xStart_essuie_glace:			BOOL;,:	xError_essuie_glace:			BOOL;-H	xDrive_essuie_glace_outstate:	BOOL;.D	uiDrive_essuie_glace_volt:		UINT;/H	uiDrive_essuie_glace_current:	UINT;0X	uiDrive_essuie_glace_channel:	UINT	:= 0000;12END_STRUCT3END_TYPE4"UniqueIdGenerator553ÐÐÐE0ÐÐ	
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+longTagText
†	(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ò	*---------------            		Boite de structure de sorties pilotage periphérique electronique      		------------------	*ö	*	uiChannel_xxxx_xxxxx:	Attribution de la voie hardware (entrées ECU - exemple: si uiChannel_xxxx_xxxxx := 0100 => IN0100)¤	*	xxx_xxxx_input_error:	Erreur hardware sur le bus d'entrée ECU																  þ	*	uiRawValue_xxx_xxxxx:	Affectation de la mesure convertie en mV ou en mA (selon paramétrage de l'entrée - tension ou intnsité	*	ˆ	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)0TYPE Fct_electroniques :		STRUCT		J		xReset_error_out_electronics:	BOOL;"		(* Sortie 5V *)ž		xDrive_opto:					BOOL; // Démarre l'alimentation 5V pour optocouplage bus can:		xError_drive_opto:				BOOL;>		xDrive_opto_outstate:			BOOL;:		uiDrive_opto_volt:				UINT; >		uiDrive_opto_current:			UINT;!N		uiDrive_opto_channel:			UINT	:= 3000;">		(* Allumage virtuel driver *)#2		xStart_vd12v:					BOOL;$2		xError_vd12v:					BOOL;%@		xDrive_vd12v_outstate:			BOOL;&<		uiDrive_vd12v_volt:				UINT;'@		uiDrive_vd12v_current:			UINT;(@		uiDrive_vd12v_channel:			UINT;)2		xStart_vd24v:					BOOL;*2		xError_vd24v:					BOOL;+@		xDrive_vd24v_outstate:			BOOL;,<		uiDrive_vd24v_volt:				UINT;-@		uiDrive_vd24v_current:			UINT;.@		uiDrive_vd24v_channel:			UINT;/:		xStart_lave_glace:				BOOL;0:		xError_lave_glace:				BOOL;1H		xDrive_lave_glace_outstate:		BOOL;2B		uiDrive_lave_glace_volt:		UINT;3H		uiDrive_lave_glace_current:		UINT;4X		uiDrive_lave_glace_channel:		UINT	:= 0001;5<		xStart_essuie_glace:			BOOL;6<		xError_essuie_glace:			BOOL;7J		xDrive_essuie_glace_outstate:	BOOL;8F		uiDrive_essuie_glace_volt:		UINT;9J		uiDrive_essuie_glace_current:	UINT;:Z		uiDrive_essuie_glace_channel:	UINT	:= 0000;;	END_STRUCT<END_TYPE="UniqueIdGenerator>62ÐÐÐE9ÐÐ	
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