Hi Edwin, could you please post an example.projectarchive and a CODESYSControl.cfg with the location/path to place it? Then we could simply open the archive and compare the CODESYSControl.cfg to our own/replace ours to get this working. In this example project that runs on a Windows machine, could you please have it sending and receiving a CAN message?
I had added my CODESYSControl.cfg. Is it the right file? Correct contents? Do you need a license or something else to make this work?
What other steps are needed? I have now added CmpPCANBasicDrv to C:\ProgramData\CodeSys\CODESYSControlWinV3\F05D572C as well as in the GatewayPLC folder as mentioned above. I also tried uncommenting net 0 in CmpBlkDrvCanServer.
Hello, I have "No CAN driver found! (error code: 16#27E2)" I have added " [ComponentManager] Component.1=CmpPCANBasicDrv " to my CODESYSControl.cfg in GatewayPLC folder. I have Control Win V3 Version running and when I scan, I find my local PC and am able to login and download. I have PCAN-View running, I've tried without it running as well. I also contacted Peak and they mentioned drivers, I have them installed, I use PCAN-View and PCANApi almost every single day. What else could I be missing?...
Hello, I have "No CAN driver found! (error code: 16#27E2)" I have added " [ComponentManager] Component.1=CmpPCANBasicDRV " to my CODESYSControl.cfg I have Control Win V3 Version running and when I scan I find my local PC and am able to login and download. I have PCAN-View running, I've tried without it running as well. I also contacted Peak and they mentioned drivers, I have them installed, I use PCAN-View and PCANApi almost every single day. What else could I be missing? I have also attached...
Hello, I have "No CAN driver found! (error code: 16#27E2)" I have added "[ComponentManager] Component.1=CmpPCANBasicDRV" to my CODESYSControl.cfg I have Control Win V3 Version running and when I scan I find my local PC and am able to login and download. I have PCAN-View running, I've tried without it running as well. I also contacted Peak and they mentioned drivers, I have them installed, I use PCAN-View and PCANApi almost every single day. What else could I be missing? I have also attached...
Can someone please help me find this setting?
I am using CAN API and trying to use a true listen only mode, where the CODESYS device doesn't even send acknowledge to received messages. CAN sniffers like PeakCAN have this mode. I have tried using only the CAN.CANBus_29bit function block, I have also tried only using the CL2.DriverOpenH function, without any transmit or receive function blocks at all. If I use an incorrect baud rate the CODESYS device will cause error frames (seen by Kvaser CANKing or PeakCAN). I need to have complete listen only...
The issue was the PLC was connected to GatE via WiFi and it loses the connection to GatE when CODESYS runtime is stopped. This does not happen when connected via Ethernet. Hopefully the PLC could be updated to maintain this connection through WiFi as well someday soon.
Hi Edwin, I have the same error "Communication error: #0x1cc" I am using an Epec 6200 PLC, the same exact one I have used for years without trouble. I am not trying to use the update tool, just trying to login with download or login with online change, both fail. If I transfer the .app and .crc via FTP and restart the device, I am able to login and view live without issue. I have tried stopping and starting gateway. Exiting the gateway. Closing and reopening CODESYS. Many restarts of PC, 6200 PLC,...