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2020-06-11 14:12:36


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  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering on CODESYS Forge

    Hello again, does nobody has the same issue or has information on this. thanks

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering on CODESYS Forge

    Hi all, I found an issue withe the modbus slave device in Codesys 3.5.16 and the Codesys Control for Rasberry I currently connect with a nodered modbus master to collect and push data from/to the Codesys Raspberry SPS. The Codesys Raspbery is controlling an old Wago 841. That means Codesys is master for the Wago and Slave for the nodered. After updating from Codesys 3.5.15 to 3.5.16 the slave doesn't work anymore. I have not been able to add the Unit-ID, because the box is no more longer...

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