Activity for fredsta

  • fredsta fredsta posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    I'll have a look at this, thanks. Do you maybe know why the C-integration doesn't work? I'm just curious because it was still some effort to create all these files. Ending up with a meaningless error feels very unsatisfying to me...

  • fredsta fredsta posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Hey there, I am currently trying to find a good solution for the communication between CODESYS Control on Raspberry Pi and "the rest of the world", i. e. the things apart from CODESYS on my linux. My first approach was to use the c-integration. So I created a lib, defined extern fbs, compiled the code on my Pi using the SDK and put the .so into my lib project. When I try to log into the Pi and load the program, I get the error message which you can see in the attached picture. "Die dynamischen Module...