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2023-12-06 12:50:03.493000


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User Activity

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on JSON parsing and composing library
  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on JSON parsing and composing library

    Hi, I am using this library. but i am facing some issue. i dont know if this is how the library is supposed to work! I am parsing from a JSON string to a JSON struct and the JSON struct has an array in one of its variable. and the array index starts from 0. but then, in the 0 th index of the array i am not getting the expected value. rather the values start from 1st array index. Is this the actual working of the library? or am i missing some configuration?

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on JSON parsing and composing library

    Hi, I am using this library. but i am facing some issue. i dont know if this is how the library is supposed to work! I am parsing from a JSON string to a JSON struct and the JSON struct has an array in one of its variable. and the array index starts from 0. but then, in the 0 th index of the array i am not getting the expected value. rather the values start from 1st array index. Is this the actual working of the library? or am i missing some configuration?

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