Updated libraries to support Alias xCMD's to Edge and Device.
Merge commit '4bc5a3e65c0c318038bed4a5ff86f852670d6760'
Merge commit 'b48d2c174a390661c2ed73e5e44ddfe5f9027c69'
Merge branch 'main' of https://forge.codesys.com/git/lib,cobolt,project.git/
Merge branch 'main' of https://forge.codesys.com/git/lib,cobolt,project.git/
Updated example to accomodate Aliases
Hi, After your update I got empty*** clone https://forge.codesys.com/git/u,hermsen,cicd.git/ to /working/repo Already up to date. [compile:0] + codesys runtest [compile:1] [compile:2] [compile:3] *** Test: .\coUnit12_verifier_sp16p6.library [compile:4] Error: compile error [compile:5] Error C510: The configured compilerversion '' is not available in your installation [compile:6] 0 artifact(s) created [compile:7] cp: cannot stat 'c:coUnit_xunit_testresults.xml': No such file or directory...
I'd like to take your question one step back, zooming out so to speak. What is it you want to achieve via the this construction? Could you explain what you are to trying to achieve? Maybe there are other ways to help you out. Hoping you would take the time to explain what the application should solve. PS STRUCTS need to be decalered as a DUT in IEC(!) See: https://help.codesys.com/api-content/2/codesys/ I hope this may help you a step further but I suspect the dynamic initialization...
I'd like to take your question one step back, zooming out so to speak. What is it you want to achieve via the this construction? Could you explain what you are to trying to achieve? Maybe there are other ways to help you out. Hoping you would take the time to explain what the application should solve. PS STRUCTS need to be decalered as a DUT in IEC(!) See: https://help.codesys.com/api-content/2/codesys/ PS I hope this may help you a step further but I suspect the dynamic...
I'd like to take your question one step back, zooming out so to speak. What is it you want to achieve via the this construction? Could you explain what you are to trying to achieve? Maybe there are other ways to help you out. Hoping you would take the time to explain what the application should solve. PS STRUCTS need to be decalered as a DUT in IEC(!) See: https://help.codesys.com/api-content/2/codesys/ Pick object type DUT (Data Unit Type) TYPE ST_MyStruct : STRUCT Obj1...
I'd like to take your question one step back, zooming out so to speak. What is it you want to achieve via the this construction? Could you explain what you are to trying to achieve? Maybe there are other ways to help you out. Hoping you would take the time to explain what the application should solve.
You should mandatorily use the ip adress. You can change the name into the ip and that should work; opc.tcp://
You should mandatorily use the ip adress. You can change the name into the ip and that should work.
Build Service is not working as expected
ci-cd testing
Git commit hook scripting
Git commit hook scripting
Git commit hook scripting
Stack v1.4.2.50 bumped version number
Edge v1.5.0.1
Merge commit '03c4a25985b5eefeef76b3d9493d45072f248740'
04 nov 2021: Alias mechanism looks promising
04 nov 2021: Alias mechanism looks promising
04 Nov 2021: Alias mechanism looks promising
04 Nov 2021: Alias mechanism looks promising
Definition; If use aliases = False then all aliases are 0 and thus not used. If Use aliases = True then all aliases are unique and start counting with 1,2 etc. All NCMD's are also sent during xBIRTH with an alias number if the alias mechanism is enabled (TRUE by default). Edge and Device Alias xBIRTH and XDATA mechanism are implemented. Edge and Device decode xCMD alias implemented, CODESYS Host decode aliases in xBIRTH and xDATA CODESYS Host sends alias xCMD
Hi, thank you for your interest in our library. My previous reply seems binned somehow so here goes again. We are on the verge between implementation and testing of the new Alias mechanism. This is why the current binary does contain alias support yet. When alias support is sufficiently tested we will update the binaries so you can enjoy it. Alias is a mechanism that enables a small optimization in communication. Aliases are automatically assigned to metrics during only BIRTH. Aliases should therefor...
Hi, thank you for your interest in our library. My previous reply seems binned somehow so here goes again. We are on the verge between implementation and testing of the new Alias mechanism. This is why the current binary does contain alias support yet. When alias support is sufficiently tested we will update the binaries so you can enjoy it. Alias is a mechanism that enables a small optimization in communication. Aliases are automatically assigned to metrics during only BIRTH. Aliases should therefor...
Hi, thank you for your interest in our library. My previous reply seems binned somehow so here goes again. We are on the verge between implementation and testing of the new Alias mechanism. This is why the current binary does contain alias support yet. When alias support is sufficiently tested we will update the binaries so you can enjoy it. Alias is a mechanism that enables a small optimization in communication. Aliases are automatically assigned to metrics during only BIRTH. Aliases should therefor...
Hi, thank you for your interest in our library. My previous reply seems binned somehow so here goes again. We are on the verge between implementation band testing of the new Alias mechanism.This is why the current binary does contain alias support yet. When alias support is sufficiently tested we will update the binaries so you can enjoy it. Alias is a mechanism that enables a small optimization in communication. Aliases are automatically assigned to metrics during only BIRTH. Aliases should therefor...
Metric Alias
Sadly you are mistaking, the first connect with the runtime always asks you to enter a username and password once. When entered this username and password is now mandatory to download a sourcecode. This security behaviour is default enforced since SP17, was also avaible in previous CODESYS versions, but not enforced. Whenever you try to connect with that PLC you must enter the given username and password.
Sadly you are mistaking, the first connect with the runtime always asks you to enter a username and password once. When entered this username and password is now mandatory to download a sourcecode. This security behaviour is default enforced since SP17. Whenever you try to connect with that PLC you must enter the given username and password.
Sadly you are mistaking, the first connect with the runtime always asks you to enter a username and password once. When entered this username and password is now mandatory to download a sourcecode. This security behaviour is default enforced since SP17.
Are AWS IoT core, Azure IoT hub or Google Cloud supported?
The 'Add new' button is located on the far right top corner menu bar in a project where you are admin. More specific information about Codesys Forge can be found in the Help.
The 'Add new' button is located on the far right top corner in a project where you are admin. More specific information about Codesys Forge can be found in the Help.
The Add button is located on the far right inna project where you are admin. More specific information about Codesys Forge can be found in the Help.
Merge commit '4894e0339fe55c0afe827898f780479d939e3a4a'
Mice en place for Aliases
Merge branch 'master' of https://forge.codesys.com/git/lib,cobolt,cobolt-edge.git
Merge commit '044c585838fad171fbb37f45a008285e9ba98fcb'
Expanded IMetric with Alias Property
Merge commit '01b1e7c2767a05ef8140cf94e308a7a17d11216f'
Merge branch 'main' of https://forge.codesys.com/git/lib,cobolt,library.git/
Merge branch 'main' of https://forge.codesys.com/git/lib,cobolt,library.git/
Merge commit '6959dff38c00babe34f68d8cab0c933ff6d20292'
The operator generates a reference (pointer) to a value; RefSupport REF= RefSupport1; see https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_ref_assignment;product=codesys;version= TIP: use a CASE statement for NumSupport instead of a IF THEN, that way you can easily extend your code in the future i.e; CASE NumSupport OF 1: ; 2: ; ELSE ; END_case;
The operator generates a reference (pointer) to a value; RefSupport REF= RefSupport1; see https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_ref_assignment;product=codesys;version=
RefSupport REF= RefSupport1; see https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_ref_assignment;product=codesys;version=
// regard following as pseudo code // declaration of interface property usesAliases getter ONLY, returns input value of useAliasing. // Declaration of interface method Method getNewAlias : ULINT; // Body method implementation getNewAlias := _Alias; _Alias := _Alias +1; // 0 is reserved to flag no alias is given, never reset it // FB_Edge VAR_INPUT UseAliasing : BOOL := TRUE; // enables usage of aliases during communication, default enabled as it will optimize bandwidth usage END_VAR VAR _Alias :...
// regard following as pseudo code // Declaration of interface method Method getNewAlias : ULINT; // Body method implementation getNewAlias := _Alias; _Alias := _Alias +1; // 0 is reserved to flag no alias is given, never reset it // FB_Edge VAR_INPUT UseAliasing : BOOL := TRUE; // enables usage of aliases during communication, default enabled as it will optimize bandwidth usage END_VAR VAR _Alias : ULINT := 1; // 0 means no alias is given END_VAR // NBIRTH & DBIRTH methods will test if the input...
So it seems Edge1/Device1 Metrics must have different aliases to Edge1/Device2 Metrics, as well as Edge1 Metrics. So FB_Edge will have to provide a "getNewAlias()", which will return an ever increasing ULINT. during DBIRTH and NBIRTH, if a metric does not already have an alias, it must request one from itfEdge.getNewAlias() or THIS^.getNewAlias(). an input to the FB_Edge, VAR_INPUT UseAliasing : BOOL := TRUE; will determine whether to calculate and use aliasing.
Metrics: Read only
Device: Some Device Messages are skipped, noticably DBIRTH
WSTringBuilder internal string declaration misses a size, so it is 80 chars max
We have entirely redesigned the WStringBuilder. It has been integrated into Stack v1.4.2.30
31 oct 2021: Edge Nodes are now able to send Metric Properties.
31 october 2021: Edge Nodes are now able to send Metric Properties.
16 oct 2021: coπe: A Linked List Solution has been born!
Updated library and Edge Example with "properties".
Merge commit '19d7b0ada1915d56cb5576c0fc22866b3e5d4879'
// regard following as pseudo code // Declaration of interface method Method getNewAlias : ULINT; // Body method implementation getNewAlias := _Alias; _Alias := _Alias +1; // 0 is reserved to flag no alias is given, never reset it // FB_Edge VAR_INPUT UseAliases : BOOL := TRUE; // enables usage of aliases during communication, default enabled as it will optimize bandwidth usage END_VAR VAR _Alias : ULINT := 1; // 0 means no alias is given END_VAR // NBIRTH & DBIRTH methods will test if the input...
// regard as pseudo code // Declaration of interface method Method getNewAlias : ULINT; // Body method implementation getNewAlias := _Alias; _Alias := _Alias +1; // 0 is reserved to flag no alias is given, never reset it // FB_Edge VAR_INPUT UseAliases : BOOL := TRUE; // enables usage of aliases during communication, default enabled as it will optimize bandwidth usage END_VAR VAR _Alias : ULINT := 1; // 0 means no alias is given END_VAR // NBIRTH & DBIRTH methods will test if the input is enabled...
// regard as pseudo code // Declaration of interface method Method getNewAlias : ULINT; // Body method implementation getNewAlias := _Alias; _Alias := _Alias +1; // initialise _Alias with 0, never reset it // FB_Edge VAR_INPUT UseAliases : BOOL := TRUE; // enables usage of aliases during communication END_VAR VAR _Alias : ULINT := 0; END_VAR
// regard as pseudo code // Declaration of interface method Method getNewAlias : ULINT; // Body method implementation getNewAlias := _Alias; _Alias := _Alias +1; // initialise _Alias with 0, never reset it // FB_Edge VAR_INPUT UseAliases : BOOL := TRUE; // enables usage of aliases during communication END_VAR
Commit of first binaries