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  • pistola modified a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I'm having some troubles with this same issue and I'm wondering if someone can help me out. On a settings visual I allow the operator to enter some values however if they activate the page change button it will change the change with the Numpad dialog open. Since I'm using Visuelems.CURRENTVISU to change the pages I came across this code noted below for determining if the Numpad dialog was active. This code worked great however now in 3.5.19 it's now obsolete. I've tried following the directions...

  • pistola modified a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I'm having some troubles with this same issue and I'm wondering if someone can help me out. On a settings visual I allow the operator to enter some values however if they activate the page change button it will change the change with the Numpad dialog open. Since I'm using Visuelems.CURRENTVISU to change the pages I came across this code noted below for determining if the Numpad dialog was active. This code worked great however now in 3.5.19 it's not obsolete. I've tried following the directions...

  • pistola posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I'm having some troubles with this same issue and I'm wondering if someone can help me out. On a settings visual I allow the operator to enter some values however if they activate the page change button it will change the change with the Numpad dialog open. Since I'm using Visuelems.CURRENTVISU to change the pages I came across this code noted below for determining if the Numpad dialog was active. This code worked great however now in 3.5.19 it's not obsolete. I've tried following the directions...

  • Reinier Geers posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    if i do : sVisu_Uitwerp := SEL( qxUitwerp_Ventiel ,'Cil_H_Uit' ,'Cil_H_In' ); then i get see picture Why ? It works normaly but not in 20.5

  • czek posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, I encountered this same error. I was able to resolve it by allocating more messages when I open the network driver (ctMessages:= 100). By default it is set to 25.

  • spiessli posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, I have an OPC UA information model with objects defined in it. I can import the model and use the data types defined in it and create instances of these types. These instances are accessible at Root > Objects > DeviceSet > CODE[...] > Resources > Application > GlobalVars > OPC_UA_Symbols for created instances and at [...] > Programs > PLC_PRG for mapped instances. The object defined in the information model is accessible in UA Expert by the name I have defined in the information model (Manipulator)...

  • imdatatas posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi Everyone, It is a very useful feature to be able to obtain the enum value as a string with the TO_STRING operator by defining {attribute 'to_string'}. However, unfortunately the same function does not work for IMPLICIT ENUMs. I hope that {attribute 'to_string'} behavior can also work for Implicit Enumeration data types in one of the upcoming Codesys versions. https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Development%20System/_cds_pragma_attribute_to_string.html https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Development%20System/_cds_datatype_implicit_enumeration.html...

  • warrumungi posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    5 years later: I'm also having the exact same problem! MySQL Workbench works fine across the LAN, but the codesys library cannot get past this stage... The library authors are not responding on their support email :(

  • rickmotion posted a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I have a customer that types in machine programs in a text file for machines and lets the machine execute it. In the old situation they can open and edit these files in a winform application. Now I want to move this to codesys. What I need is a simple way to open, close, save, edit the machine file in codesys visualisation. I want to use the fileOpenSave dialog. But don't understand how it works. I have the file transfer example and some other examples. But it is hard to figure out how the part with...

  • rickmotion posted a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I have a customer that types in machine programs in a text file for machines and lets the machine execute it. In the old situation they can open and edit these files in a winform application. Now I want to move this to codesys. What I need is a simple way to open, close, save, edit the machine file in codesys visualisation. I want to use the fileOpenSave dialog. But don't understand how it works. I have the file transfer example and some other examples. But it is hard to figure out how the part with...