Hello, In some 3D interpolation operations, I receive the error named "SMC_INT_QPROF_DIVERGES" and code 1011 in the SMC_Interpolator block. There is probably a problem with the jerk values. However, in the softmotion version release notes, it says that this error has been fixed, but I cannot get rid of this error! Below is some information. Compiler verison: Softmotion RTE x64: Softmotion Version: SM3_CNC Version: SM3_Basic Version: Ethercat...
Hello, In some 3D interpolation operations, I receive the error named "SMC_INT_QPROF_DIVERGES" and code 1011 in the SMC_Interpolator block. There is probably a problem with the jerk values. However, in the softmotion version release notes, it says that this error has been corrected, but I cannot get rid of this error! Below is some information. Compiler verison: Softmotion RTE x64: Softmotion Version: SM3_CNC Version: SM3_Basic Version: Ethercat...
Hello KB, You can find the optimum value of these values by trial and error. Just so many tries!
Hello KB, You can find the optimum value of these values by trial and error. Just so many tries!
Hello, The solution is; VAR_TEMP timeBefore : SYSTIME; timeAfter : SYSTIME; udiDuration_us : UDINT; END_VAR SysTimeGetNS(timeBefore); udiDuration_us := 0; WHILE udiDuration_us < 200 DO //SMC_ReadNcFile2 fbReadFile(bExecute:=b01dExecute, bAbort:=gCNC.bCycleStop, sFileName:=strFileName, pvl:=ADR(gConsts.stVarList)); //SMC_NcInterpreter. fbInterpreter(Sentences := fbReadFile.sentences, bExecute :=, bAbort := , nSizeOutQueue := SIZEOF(astGeoBuffer), pbyBufferOutQueue := ADR(astGeoBuffer)); SysTimeGetNS(timeAfter)...
Merhaba Georg, Daha önce bana yardıma dokunmuştum bunun için minnettarım. Yeni bir sorunum var belki alabilirsin? Şu anda CNC Interpolasyon ile yarıçap işlemi yapılırken X-Y eksenlerinde aşırı titreşim oluyor. Yarıçap yumuştamak için "bdAngleTol" değeri değeri. Yolu yumuşatmayı başarsam da bu yol aşırı vuruşlu hareketi ortaya çıkarıyor. Bunun için fikrin olabilir mi ? teşekkürler.
Hi, there is a lot of vibration in the X-Y axes when processing RADIUS on my CNC Interpolation system. Anyone know this?