Created branch DDEATH [#101]
branched and Added DDEATH to StateMachine [#101]
Forgot to add the Action to the DDEATH step
V1.3.0.2 implemented DDEATH [#101]
Updated example project to use latest library and added DeviceHealthy
Binary commit of trunk example and library V1.3.0.2
removing 3x old branches
Added support for obtaining certificates with no Country or Organization [#106]
commit of binary .library trunk
new branch /branches/i-campbell/
branched library from branches/h-hermsen/
example project for primary host
example project for primary host
Sync changes from /h-hermsen/library to /i-campbell/library
V1.3.4.4 Continued to flesh out dynamic metrics
Registering a GroupID which already has a Name, will cause it to be added to the used GroupIDs and not the groupIDPool
maybe it is the spaces?
v1.4.0.1 merged i-campbell and h-hermsen branches
Created directory /trunk/mqttsparkplug/
v1.4.0.1 trunked
copy hermsen branch to campbell branch
started to handle received NBIRTHs
v1.4.0.3 added FB_TopicParser in i-campbell branch
upmerged trunk to i-campbell branch
v1.4.0.3 added FB_TopicParser in trunk
v1.4.0.3 binary commit of trunk library
v1.4.0.4 fixed PrimaryHost Client ID
v1.4.0.4 binary commit of trunk library
removed the letter 'b' from the example binary in trunk
removing old personal branch
deleting SP14 branch - just use the latest compiler version even with your old runtime.
v1.4.0.7 Primary host now passes the NBIRTH to the Edge for further processing
Changed MetricStatus.ONLINE_OK to GOOD as that's what the sparkplug spec calls it
FB_RemoteMetric now contains two IStorageMetrics, so that the Payload can provide storage metrics for BIRTHS even when it has already given the metrics away to another MetricOwner.
moved unit test to branch so it can be brought up to speed with the trunk library
removed the 'b' directory in /trunk/
First pass at assigning remote metrics from NBIRTH
v1.4.0.8 NBIRTHs received by PrimaryHost now allocates all the metrics with the right name
Change some VAR_IN_OUTs to VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT to allow calls like GetGroupId("G1") instead of GetGroupId(G1) where G1 : WSTRING := "G1";
Exposed IRemoteMetric as PUBLIC (was INTERNAL)
Made "GetMetricByx" return a valid pointer to GVL_sparkplug.InvalidRemoteMetric, so if anyone uses the result without proving it first, it doesn't cause an exception.
Updated PrimaryHostExample to show reading a value from Edges
Upmerge trunk into primary host
Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
Craeted Feature branch for Refactor Payload
Payload Refactor [#102]
v1.4.0.9 fixed ARM bug accessing unaligned REALs and LREALs from the Payload
I haven't figured out tree conflicts, so I will just get rid of this branch
branch primaryhost from trunk
primaryhost: NBIRTHs should now set the value of the metrics
primaryhost NBIRTH now correctly sets the datatype of the remoteMetric
branch primaryhostexample: Updated PrimaryHosst.Metric.Value to Metric.<SparkplugType>
Uploaded binaries of library and example project to trunk
Branch: PrimaryHost v1.4.0.13 Implemented PrimaryHost DBIRTH/DDATA/DDEATH
upmerged trunk into branches/refactorpayload
Branch: refactorpayload. progress towards [#102]
[#102] PayloadRefactor
[#102] PayloadRefactor. Upmerge of trunk
[#116] in branch PayloadRefactor. Improved WriteDeviceLog to also accept messages without '%s'
[#102] PayloadRefactor. Renamed FB_RemoteMetric and IRemoteMetric to FB_Metric and IMetric
[#102] Payload Refactor Renamed the FB_RemoteMetric folder to FB_Metric
[#102] Umperged trunk
created /branches/develop/ for housing the shared branch for development.
created directory branches/develop/mqttsparkplug
branched trunk library to /branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug
[#102] changes from payloadrefactor merged into develop branch from an SVN-discconected .library
Removed all branches/FeatureBrances/ as they are now stale
[#102] v1.4.2.1 Payload Refactor.
[#102] develop branch. Payload Refactor. Updated example to run with new FB_Metrics
[#102] v1.4.2.2 Payload Recfactor. Re-added Edge.NBIRTH and Edge.NDATA
[#102] Upped the library version of the example
[#102] v1.4.2.3 Payload Recfactor. Removed IStorageMetric and associated objects
[#102] Upped the library version of the example
[#102] v1.4.2.4 RefactorPayload. Remove some AllMetricList
[#102] Paylaod Refactor. Removed unneccesaryy __QUERYINTERFACE in the example
[#102] Payload Refactor. Removed unneded Rebirth := _Rebirth
It is easier to tear down a branch than it is to remerge with the trunk :D
branch develop : lets keep developing
[#129] Edge Itterator : Added Method Stubs for an IAuthor
[#129] Edge Itterator : FB_Edge is now an IAuthor
[#129] Removed FB_DeviceMQTT's publisher
[#129] Progress towards IAuthor
[#129] refactored IAuthor => IMessageSource
[#129] Renamed some functions
[#130] Host crawler - implemented IMessageSource in FB_RemoteDevice for DCMD
[#130] Host Itterator - RemoteEdges implement IMessageSource for their child devices
[#130] FB_RemoteEdge's IMessageSource now offers its own NCMDs as well
Edge: Fixed Compiler warning about external usage of VAR_IN_OUT for publish period
[#130] PrimaryHost itterator . Primary Host can now itterate all its Edges and devices looking for an xCMD
[#130] PrimaryHost itterator . Primary Host now itterates all its Edges and devices looking for an xCMD and publishes them
[#125] PrimaryHost now publishes NCMDs and DCMDs
[#125] Updated example project. Primary host now sends xCMDs.
PrimaryHost: Fixed a bug where you would hit an exception if there weren't enough Host Pool Objects
[#129] v1.4.2.7 SeqNums : Edge/Device Now successfully publishing with the correct seqnums
[#129] updated example for new library version
[#131] v1.4.2.9 fixes issue with skipping DBIRTHs and DDEATHs
[#131] updated example project to the new library version
v1.4.2.12 Library now uses FBFactory to create GroupIDs, RemoteEdges, RemoteDevices and Metrics
example for
[#138] [#137] v1.4.2.13 Fixed missing DBIRTH and Edge Publish Rates