Hi transmin01, I am struggling with the same issue. Have you found out the solution?
Hi kurvanov, could you please share the video you mentioned. I am struggling with basic data intechange between safety module and basic plc logic
Hi ryusoup, looking for the same functionality. I tried to use your code but couldn't figure out all the details. to enable Listener should it be called once or cyclically? the listener should be called with the intance of FB which you described? should it be this instance to be called cyclically too? I tried to make it simpler, just force the uiYear/uiMonth etc. but couldn't make it work. Could you please share some details how the whole struckture looks like? Would be great if you share an example...
Hi ryusoup, looking for the same functionality. I tried to use your code but couldn't figure out all the details. to enable Listener should it be called once or cyclically? the listener should be called with the intance of FB which you described? should it be this instance to be called cyclically too? I tried to make it simpler, just force the uiYear/uiMonth etc. but couldn't make it work. Could you please share some details how the whole struckture looks like? Would be great if you share an exa...
Hi, some library is missing. Should be this one: - File Access You can manage it via Libraries->Add Library->Advanced-> $use text search to fine a library$
Hi, I switched from to and noticed one thing: now the text in button wich linked to enum with text list support shows only the first letter. Before it was working and shows the complete word which is related to the variable and text list. Placeholder: %s ENUM: see screenshot
Hi, I've never tried it, so only suggestion: maybe you could try to add the entry inside the 'Element' or e.g. 'TextField'. So the full path will be like TextField -> Text -> Margin - Horizontal.
Hi paho, I did it quite the same - load on startup but during operation only logged-in user can edit/manage it. I have a page like 'Recipe' where operator can select recipe - and values are loaded by recipe name changing (all available recipes are in the dropdown menu, the list is loaded on Startup or by RecipeManCommands, i think it was from initial Recipe example, with little changes). And Administrator can edit recipes - and during editing all other menu are blocked, so you are not able to leave...