Activity for jaka

  • jaka jaka posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    I tryed the scrip but it did not work. It shows an error at line with "byte0 = input["Byte0"]" It says "Operation not allowed on simple types"

  • jaka jaka posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi, I am trying to automate the process of generating a project from scratch with python. currently I am stuck at generating devices with proper I/Os, assigned to them. like this: Here is my code so far: #CREATE DEVICE proj = projects.primary DeviceMain = proj.find('Device', recursive = True)[0] #proj.add('CANbus',4096)#,"0000 0002","") try: DeviceMain.add("CANbus",15,"181015","") except: print('Device "CANbus" already exsist') DeviceCANbus = DeviceMain.find('CANbus', recursive =...