Activity for kevinl

  • kevinl kevinl modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I figured this out on my own with this logic: usually the Serial port on a Raspberry pi is on /dev/ttyUSB0 then you need to set linux.DeviceFile=/dev/ttyUSB in codesys you then must set com port to 1 so i assumed codesys subtracts 1 from the number and adds this to the filename... (in code it would look like this: var comPort : byte := '1'; linuxDevice : string := '/dev/ttyUSB'; filename : string; end_var filename := concat(linuxDevice, (to_string(comPort-1)); filaname then is /dev/ttyUSB0 RevPi...

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I figured this out on my own with this logic: usually the Serial port on a Raspberry pi is on /dev/ttyUSB0 then you need to set linux.DeviceFile=/dev/ttyUSB in codesys you then must set com port to 1 so i assumed codesys subtracts 1 from the number and adds this to the filename... (in code it would look like this: var comPort : byte := '1'; linuxDevice : string := '/dev/ttyUSB'; filename : string; end_var filename := concat(linuxDevice, (to_string(comPort-1)); filaname then is /dev/ttyUSB0 RevPi...

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on a blog post

    not yet, i am working on a update with much better performance and also less data usage wich i will propably release in summer... also i am currently pretty busy, let me know how important the buttons are for you and i'll consider adding it soon in a update. if you like to add the buttons yourself, please make sure to post your code here. i can also move the project to github if there is demand for helping in development. kind regards

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Deutsch πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

    Hallo, ich habe gerade auch ein Projekt bei dem ich den Fram einsetzen mΓΆchte, schaue mir das ganze mal an, bist du da noch weitergekommen? GrΓΌsse

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on a blog post

    great, glad it works

  • kevinl kevinl modified a comment on a blog post

    hi albertocamina funny that it is not working with $N, this may be a bug of my library i should check... anyway, i recently did a bot with german umlaute (Γ„Γ–Γœ) and used unicode characters. that works like this: Ü = Unicode C3BC = %C3%BC, the % sign in a ASCII is $25 so Ü is $25C3$25BC now the answer to your question, you can use unicode newline (000A) that wil look like this: $2500$250A so the string 'albertocamina$2500$250Aprefers messages on 2 lines' btw you can also go with emojis, for example...

  • kevinl kevinl modified a comment on a blog post

    hi albertocamina funny that it is not working with $N, this may be a bug of my library i should check... anyway, i recently did a bot with german umlaute (Γ„Γ–Γœ) and used unicode characters. that works like this: Ü = Unicode C3BC = %C3%BC, the % sign in a string is $25 so Ü is $25C3$25BC now the answer to your question, you can use unicode newline (000A) that wil look like this: $2500$250A so the string 'albertocamina$2500$250Aprefers messages on 2 lines' btw you can also go with emojis, for example...

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on a blog post

    hi albertocamina funny that it is not working with $N, this may be a bug of my library i should check... anyway, i recently did a bot with german umlaute (Γ„Γ–Γœ) and used unicode characters. that works like this: Ü = Unicode C3BC = %C3%BC, the % sign in a string is $25 so Ü is $25C3$25BC now the answer to your question, you can use unicode newline (000A) that wil look like this: $2500$250A so the string 'albertocamina$2500$250Aprefers messages on 2 lines' will look like this: btw you can also go with...

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i did this recently. the solution is: [SysCom] Linux.Devicefile=/dev/ttyRS48 (remember, no 5 at the end!) then set com port in codesys to 6. that works

  • kevinl kevinl modified a blog post

    First Native Telegram Bot for codesys

  • kevinl kevinl created a blog post

    First Native Telegram Bot for codesys

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Forge πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    hmm, the problem seems to sit a little deeper, i just tested on Raspberry pi, in SP16.60 and SP17 in a empty project... works fine on both. there must be a issue with my current project. this is how i initialize all constants. do you see a error here? VAR CONSTANT dintPositionTolerance : DINT := 10; dintControlTolerance : DINT:=800; intSpeedLimit : INT :=1100; intSpeedLimitEntrance : INT := 320; intFix : UDINT := 10023072; intBottomStationPos : UDINT := 1255875; //position of the Bottomstation...

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Forge πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    hmm, kinda weird... unfortunately not the first time i got weird behaviour on codesys for raspberry pi.... i'll do a test with a empty project to make sure i have no other issues that can interference...

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Forge πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi Guys i am trying to define a Constant array in Var Constant.... i initialise it like this: intEntranceControl : ARRAY [0..5, 0..1] OF DINT := [-1000, 20, 1400, 70100, 71427, 72532 , 80, 100,1200, 1200, 100, 80 ] ; but then i get weird values, some missing, some twice and the order seems completely wrong... can you please point me in the right direction? Thank you

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    well, this is not really a helpful comment....

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    my server is linux based and ofcorse it is case sensitive. if the server is windows based it is not case sensitive, the case is just for the GUI.... guess there might be the difference. i think it might be too early to port all projects to GIT, we'd better stay on SVN for a while right?

  • kevinl kevinl posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, i just downloaded Codesys Git and started to port our Projects from SVN to git... Unfortunately i get the error as attached when i try to initialize the repo.... The Repo is on a external server, mounted over SMB in windows. another bug i found right out of the box, codesys git does not seem to be case sensitive (i.e i set path X:\Git\ProjectName, codesys creates the path X:\git\projectname) btw. is there no way to acces a SSH repo? Thank you for your help