Activity for khaledkhalil

  • khaledkhalil khaledkhalil posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hello, I am Examining this Example from Codesys Tutorial about OPC-UA server here Now i am running to problem, when i create instances and i want them to appear directly under the object directory, However, it always appear with me under Objects >> Device set >> Device Name in CODESYS. I need to know how i can change the directory of my instances 'inst_3' and so on. So they can be under objects directly....

  • khaledkhalil khaledkhalil posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Ich habe Modelle in SiOME hinzugefügt, eine Software zum Entwerfen von Knoten und zum Hinzufügen von Instanzen. und erstellte eine resultierende XML-Datei. Ich habe versucht, die XML-Datei über das OPC UA-Informationsmodell-Repository in Codesys zu importieren. Das Problem besteht darin, dass ich nicht weiß, wie ich meine von mir entworfenen Objekte anzeigen soll. und ordne es meiner SPS zu, um es auf meinem Server UaExpert sichtbar zu machen. Ich habe mir das Tutorial-Video

  • khaledkhalil khaledkhalil posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    I have added a models in SiOME which a software to design nodes and add instances. and created a resultant xml file. I tried to import the xml file to Codesys through OPC UA information model Repository the problem i don't know how to view my objects which i have designed. and map it to my PLC to make viewable on my server UaExpert. I watched the tutorial video But it only give you how to add the Information model, and my resultant model doesn't have information...