I just tried the loopback solution it did not work. If you have any other suggestions I could try, that would be great if not, thank you for your help. :)
thanks so much for your suggestions Campbell. Unfortunately your first suggestion did not work. I will try you second suggestion today and will let you know. Thank you.
Hi there, Is it possible to have WebVisu working without having to connect to ethernet? I am trying to have a rasberry with a touchscreen working as a "Kiosk" but it does not like the fact that the rasperry is not connected to any LAN. Is there a way to achieve this? Thank you.
Hi, Does anyone know where to assign the array of data for different register on modbus slave for Raspberry and Codesys 3.5.SP17. I cannot find any information about this. I have seen some videos from previous Codesys version where it clearly shows where to assing these "arrays" of datas for the different type of registers, but I cant find something similar for Codesys 3.5.SP17.
hi @ingo, Thanks for your reply. I had a hunch that the scheduler task was going to be slow. The min cycle time on the raspi using codesys is 50us, it is "fast" but not fast enough. I will try other methods. Thanks again. Cheers, Khar
Hi, Anyone knows how fast Task-Event gets updated? I understand this is like an "interruption". This is for CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL. I know that for some PLCs this task is update very bus cycle but not sure for the Raspberry. I want to know how fast this is scanned since I have another micro that could trigger an interruption in less than 10us, which I find difficult the RASPI will detect. Thank you.
Hi @i-campbell, Thanks so much, that fixed it. Would I have to do that if I install Codesys in a new machine? Thank you.
I forgot to mention, this is happening with CODESYS 64 and CODESYS Control for Raspberry PI I cannot run my code because of this issue.
Hi, I am having the same issue. I am a bit worried, I was using CODESYS 64 and CODESYS Control for Raspberry PI I decided to update Codesys and the Raspi Package and I am having the same issue. Were you able to solve it? I'm worried because this is a work project that was working fine and then this happens. Please help.