So this license needs to be on either a dongle or softcontainer on whatever system you're running the datalogger on?
So this license needs to be on either a dongle or softcontainer?
My data logger stops logging data after 30 minutes what I notice is that in CSV.CSVWriter a variable called xLogDemoModeExpired goes true when that happens. First question what does that S mean? Second question is there anyway to bypass the expiration or is there a license that is needed?
Not the whole code but this should give you an example on how I'm doing it. csvInitDataLog (xExecute := TRUE, sDirectoryPath := 'C:/DataLogging', sFileName := 'DataLogging2.csv', sColumnSeparator := ';', rCSVWriter := gCSVWriter); IF(//conditions) THEN timer1 (ENABLE := TRUE, TIMEHIGH := T#7.5S, TIMELOW := T#7.5S); // timer to log data every 15 seconds END_IF RTrig1 (CLK := timer1.OUT); // log upon the rising edge of timer csvSysDateTime (xExecute := (csvInitDataLog.xDone AND RTrig1.Q), sInput :=...
Not the whole code but this should give you an example on how I'm doing it. IF(//conditions) THEN timer1 (ENABLE := TRUE, TIMEHIGH := T#7.5S, TIMELOW := T#7.5S); // timer to log data every 15 seconds END_IF RTrig1 (CLK := timer1.OUT); // log upon the rising edge of timer csvSysDateTime (xExecute := (csvInitDataLog.xDone AND RTrig1.Q), sInput := SYS_DATE_TIME_SCRN, rCSVWriter := gCSVWriter); csvSysHours (xExecute := (csvSysDateTime.xDone AND RTrig1.Q), lrInput := System_Hours, rCSVWriter := gCSVWriter);...
The directory path is the C drive.
Created a CSV data logger that runs in the background of the HMI. For some reason the logger stops logging after 30 minutes, any idea on why this is happening?
I've been trying to get a codesys program loaded onto a Windows 10 SBC to communicate with the carel EEV via modbus. From what I've seen the same codesys program it has no problem communicating when loaded onto a windows 7 SBC. Any reason on why it might not work for windows 10 or what might be going on? Update: Fixed it