Thanks for your ideas guys! I'll try it as soon as i can and callback you!
Hi! I'm trying to control Omron R88D-1S01H-ECT using Codesys control for linux SL, ethercat and SoftMotion CiA402 Axis, but it doesn't work. However, Online Config mode works. In base mode I try to use SMC_Inch to get analog control like in Online Config mode, but i got an error 34 (SMC_AXIS_NOT_READY_FOR_MOTION). What's my wrong? And what differences between SMC_Inch in base mode and analog controlling in commissioning in Online config mode?
Hi! I'm trying to control Omron R88D-1S01H-ECT using Codesys control for linux SL, ethercat and SoftMotion CiA402 Axis, but it doesn't work. However, Online Config mode works. In base mode I try to use SMC_Inch to get analog control like in Online Config mode, but i got an error 34 (SMC_AXIS_NOT_READY_FOR_MOTION). What's my wrong?
Hi! I'm trying to control Omron R88D-1S01H-ECT using Codesys control for linux SL, ethercat and SoftMotion CiA402 Axis, but it doesn't work. However, Online Config mode works. What's my wrong?