Ah the funny thing is I am turning everything into Arrays anyways for other purposes! Reading through this there were a couple of new things I haven't seen, I looked them up and learned some new functions. I will probably end up doing something like the first example you gave. Thank you so much for your time and detailing. I am learning a lot from all the help!
I am sure you are busy, and I thanks for your help and your time good sir.
oh man i messed up, I edited my mistake
Maybe there was to much garbage, the variables being INT. IF iVar1 = iVar10 OR iVar1 = iVar10 OR iVar1 = iVar10 OR iVar1 = iVar10 THEN DoTask := TRUE; END_IF EDIT!!!! IF iVar1 = iVar10 OR iVar2 = iVar10 OR iVar3 = iVar10 OR iVar4 = iVar10 THEN DoTask := TRUE; END_IF
Thank you kindly for your time I, I like the method you prescribe! But it sounds like its not possible to compare multiple variables collectively against one.
Maybe there was to much garbage, the variables being INT. IF iVar1 = iVar10 OR iVar1 = iVar10 OR iVar1 = iVar10 OR iVar1 = iVar10 THEN DoTask := TRUE; END_IF
Much cleaner thank you for the tip!
Example of what I am doing. Can this be simplified, especially if I am using more variables. IF PVL.dut_PonyGroupSettings.ProcessVariable_ci = GVL.c_ai_DischargePressure OR PVL.dut_MidGroupSettings.ProcessVariable_ci = GVL.c_ai_DischargePressure OR PVL.dut_MainGroupSettings.ProcessVariable_ci = GVL.c_ai_DischargePressure OR PVL.dut_HFGroupSettings.ProcessVariable_ci = GVL.c_ai_DischargePressure THEN DoTask := TRUE; END_IF