Dear All, I am trying to Developing a PLC using phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX 8M Plus. It is very difficult to find the suitable Codesys control for i.MX8M. I have tried to install CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL , but unable install it and I am getting the following error, [INFORMATION] Executing SSH command on root@ Retrieving architecture from package management [ERROR] Expected exit value of command failed: expected 0, received 127 [INFORMATION] Standard output: sh: line 1: dpkg: command...
Dear All, I am trying to Developing the PLC using phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX 8M Plus. It is very difficult to find the suitable Codesys control for i.MX8M. I have tried to install CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL , but unable install it I am the following error, [INFORMATION] Executing SSH command on root@ Retrieving architecture from package management [ERROR] Expected exit value of command failed: expected 0, received 127 [INFORMATION] Standard output: sh: line 1: dpkg: command not found...
Dear All, I am trying to control GPIO pins of the AM335x (BeagleBone black) platform by designed the BeagleBone into a PLC platform, But I was unable to control the led which is connected in BeagleBone. I have installed codesys in my PC ( version:Codesys V3.5 SP18 patch 4 +(64-bit)) and download /add the CODESYS Control for BeagleBone SL I wrote the simple switch and led program I have added the GPIO device and configured IO parameters and mapping I have uploaded the code, but not it is not working....
Dear Sir, Thanks for your reply. Only three axis.I have installed codesys in windows machine. Kind share the steps for completing the below mentioned steps, What is the need and How to install CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL package? 2.What is the need and How to install PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-RT-AM335 kindly mention if any other software package need to install
Dear Sir, I am planning to develop a motion controller. Kindly clarify the following queries sitara AM335x processor is selected for impelementing this project. Shall i use sitara AM57x processors? How to communicate between codesys installed personal computer and AM57x processors? What is the need of SDK here? How to install the sdk in AM57x processors? I have share the block diagram of this project. Kinldy check and correct me if i wrong. Kindly share resources if available.
Lieber Tobias, Ich versuche auch, Codesys auf Ubuntu zu installieren, ich bekomme keine richtige Ressource. Teilen Sie bitte die Schritte zur Installation der neuesten Codesys auf Ubuntu mit. Danke im voraus lraja