Good morning, I'm using a raspberry pi3 as plc with the runtime My program has many of retrain variables but when an update is performed the retrain variables comes back to default values. Is the a way to backups the retrain variables n a csv file? Is still the way to restore them from the csv? Thank you for helping Luca
Hello to All, On the raspberry 3B+ model is installed a codesys runtime version. I purchased the licence and it has been installed succesfully. The runtime stops randomly (maybe 1 month at time) and I am forced to restart the raspberry. So I would like see some logfiles but in the online mode the logfile starts from last reboot. - Where can I find the hitorical log file from the source downloaded? - Is there a way to cougth the exception? Thanks for help me Luca
Dear All, I'm using a raspberry pi 3b+ with intalled the package. In My PC the codesys version installed is the 3.5 SP 16. I need to trace the real power caming from electrical meter and the "TraceExample" from codesys store has been downloaded for helping me. I would like to copy the example in my project but I can not find the Trace element in the Tool Box. In attached you can find the menΓΉ differences from my project to the example project. How can I get the object missing? Thank you for...
Hi, I'm realy sorry for my late feedback. Below, You can find the resut command abouut "plcload" command plcload plcload PLC load average: 7% CoreID: 0 --------------------------- PLC Core load: 7%
Hi to all, I'm using a raspberry pi 3 b+ with runtime version Program has four different task: one with higt performace running at 1 milli second; one with the main program running at 10 milli seconds, once able to manage the TCP/IP connetions running at 50 milli seconds; and the otherone with visualization running at 10 milli seconds with the update requency fixed at 40 milliseconds. When I try to connect with a browser the visualization goes very slow. How can I fix it? Thanks Luca
Dear, I don't think that the problem is the same to the previous topic. So, is there a possibility to export these variables to a usb memory? Thank you and happy new year Luca
Not with me... What do You mean with "shutdown of the network adapter"?
The codesys runtime. The variables declared as PERSISTENT RETAIN loose their values.