Another log file
We have about 10 PLCS deployed running Codesys MC. After they have been running for between 1 and 4 weeks the runtime stops with the Active (Exited) result. There is one fault that appears in some of the logs: File request: <file>$PlcLogic$/$visu$/</file> failed Could this be causing it to stop? Aside from this error We have checked the codesys log each time and but we can't find the reason for it stopping. Perhaps someone here can see something we can't?
Hi, I encountered the runtime issue last year where Codesys applications would stop running after a few (~20) seconds on my Pi compute module 3. It was resolved with v3.5.16.20 and an update to linux 5.4.70-v71+ and Codesys ran fine on our devices until last week when the issue started again. I have tried updating to Codesys version on the pi and the issue persists on two separate devices. One of the devices in licensed and the other is not. Any advice on how what could be causing this or...
I ran this command on my compute module 3 but it skipped the kernel. I'm still seeing the runtime stop after ~30s. Is there another way to implement this fix? I'm not very experienced when it comes to managing raspberry Pi's yet so any assistance would be much appreciated.