Hallo, bisher war die Benutzung der Symbolkonfiguration für die OPC-UA Variablen recht easy einsetzbar. Im UAExpert Tool konnte man im Klarnamen den String sehen. var1 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=|var|WAGO 750-8212 PFC200 G2 2ETH RS.Application.PLC_PRG.fbTest.StateActual") Die Anbindung an die Python opcua Library hat so eigentlich gut funktioniert. Auch zum debuggen im UAExptert, konnte man den Value so sehen wie die Varibale heißt. In meinem Fall ein Enum. Was seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr funktionier...
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.
Same for me. I have problems with UAExpert too. Can't see the Current Value of Enum and can't control. Did some Tests with Python opcua library. Not working with the communication manager so far.